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Undergraduate Students

TXCS Student Deploys Website to Connect People to Combat COVID-19

Amir Mostafavi and Ali Ajam in front of the UT Austin tower

04/13/2020 - As the number of COVID-19 infections rises and people remain in isolation, the streets have increasingly begun to look like scenes from doomsday movies. This is in stark contrast to grocery stores and other essential establishments, however, where people continue to congregate out of need for essential supplies. Although many stores have enforced restrictions such as limiting the number of customers allowed inside at a time, they still pose a significant risk.

A Veteran’s Path to Texas Computer Science

Travis Eakin, undergraduate student at The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Science

03/05/2020 - Travis Eakin is 27-years-old, a veteran, and studying computer science at the University of Texas at Austin. Though his profile isn’t the traditional image of a college student, his background is not uncommon. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, “over 1,000,000 student Veterans are using their G.I.

New Joint Honors Program Gets Off to Strong Start

Texas CSB Fall 2019 First Cohort, The University of Texas at Austin

12/13/2019 - Texas Computer Science is committed to educating tomorrow’s top leaders in technology and staying ahead of the trends that guide how businesses operate. To meet the needs of our students and prepare them for their future careers, we’ve launched the Texas Honors Computer Science and Business (Texas CSB) program.

Student Mindful of What We Owe to Education

Dora Gurfinkel

11/18/2019 - Education is powerful — it’s a means to inciting progress in the world, empowering individuals and transforming lives. Education’s role in facilitating positive change is a major theme in Texas Computer Science student Dora Gurfinkel’s life. She’s so aware of it, in fact, that she is using her education to elicit real change within the university while paying homage to her family’s unique history.

UT Programming Team Wins ICPC Regional Competition for Fourth Consecutive Year

UT Programming Team won the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) South Central USA Regional Competition at Baylor University in Waco, Texas

11/11/2019 - On Sat, 9 Nov 2019, the UT Programming Team won the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) South Central USA Regional Competition at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. The winning team, consisting of Aditya Durvasula ('19), Aaron Lamoreaux ('23), and Viraj Maddur ('23), will compete in the ICPC World Finals this coming June in Moscow, Russia.

UT Partners with SparkCognition to Host Data Mining and Analytics Competition

06/18/2019 - Two hundred and forty Texas Computer Science students recently participated in a data mining and analytics competition hosted by SparkCognition, an Austin-based enterprise artificial intelligence company with software solutions that help clients analyze complex data, reveal actionable insights, and identify and automate optimal responses. The company awarded scholarship prizes to the first, second, and third place winners of $10,000, $3,000, and $2,000 respectively.

UT Programming Team Claims Victory at ICPC World Finals

ICPC competitors from UT stand together as a group at the competition

04/10/2019 - On Thu, 4 Apr 2019, the UT Programming Contest (UTPC) team competed at the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) World Finals at the University of Porto in Porto, Portugal. The competition consisted of teams from 135 regions (approx. 405 students) trying to solve 11 problems in 5 hrs. The first-place team, Moscow State University, solved 10 problems.