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Undergraduate Students

Texas Computer Science Ranks 8th in Alumni Who Have Founded Venture-capital Backed Firms

11/02/2015 - According to PitchBook Data Inc. Texas Computer Science is a global powerhouse when it comes to the number of companies founded by its former undergraduates who have gone on to start their own companies and raise equity capital. PitchBook Data Inc. is a Seattle-based independent provider of research data on the private-equity and venture-capital industries, which has published a "Top Universities Producing VC-backed Entrepreneurs" list since 2013.

Students race to create video games at game jam

10/20/2015 - The Daily Texan | by Jameson Pitts Team Gimli fuels themselves on orange soda and Einstein Bros. Bagels as they eagerly await the announcement of the secret theme at the third game jam hosted by Jolly, a local development studio. A game jam is an event during which participants must create a video game that satisfies a particular theme within a time limit. Student teams designed multiplayer video games over the course of the weekend to present at a showcase.

HackTX brings students together for a 24-hour hackathon

10/02/2015 - More than 600 students from 10 universities competed to create viable working software in a 24 hour hackathon over the weekend. HackTX began Saturday at 1 p.m. and concluded Sunday at 11 a.m., after which the teams were judged on innovation, usefulness and creativity. The top 10 teams then presented their work to a panel of technology CEOs and fellow students.

Inderjit Dhillon Awarded ACM Fellowship & Texas 10 Teaching Award

05/01/2015 - Every year, the Texas Exes Alcalde asks UT alumni to vote on their favorite UT professors for a teaching award called the "Texas 10." This year, UT Computer Science is proud to have our own Dr. Inderjit Dhillon represented among the winners. This prestigious award comes on the heels of Dhillon being named 2014 Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery in recognition of outstanding research. The story below is a profile of a professor who has achieved remarkable success both in his research and in the classroom.

UTCS Course Wins Tower Award

04/27/2015 - This year the CS 378 course won the 2015 Tower Award for Civic Engagement. The undergrad computer science course taught by Karen Landolt focuses on behavioral ethics in the digital age. The Tower Awards are presented annually to honor and highlight excellence in service among the students, faculty and staff at The University of Texas at Austin as well as partners in the community. Since 1992, these awards have been presented to honor the dedication of the Longhorn community.

Project Giving Tree Aims to Strengthen CS Community

04/14/2015 - Around this time every year a new group of students begins to prepare themselves to bid farewell to long days of classes and tedious homework assignments and make the shift to post grad life. The soon to be graduates of the UT Computer Science department have left their mark on the school in many ways. And now, through a special program called Project Giving Tree, these students can continue to leave their mark for years and years to come.

UTCS Programming Team Finishes In a Top Spot at Regional Competition

10/07/2014 - A UTCS programming team finished second at this year’s ACM-International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC) regional competition. The team of Arnay Sastry, Jaime Rivera, and Josh Slocum beat over 60 different teams competing in South Central U.S region of the contest.

Meet Two Robot-Programming Sophomores

05/02/2014 - Two computer science sophomores are using the skills they gained in the Freshman Research Initiative to program flying robots and show them off to other students on campus. Robert Lynch and Matt Broussard, who were both involved in the Autonomous Intelligent Robotics FRI stream run by Dr. Peter Stone, had different ways of arriving in computer science but say research has enriched their undergraduate experience more than anything else.