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Undergraduate Students

Incoming Turing Scholar Receives Forty Acres Scholarship

Abby Criswell

06/07/2018 - From studying Latin to playing ultimate frisbee, incoming computer science freshman Abby Criswell has always had “this weird of habit of getting into loads of crazily different things that … don’t seem to have any connection.” As a future Turing Scholar, Dean’s Scholar and pre-medical student, she wants to continue making unusual connections by combining her interests in coding and medical technology.

Jacqueline Gibson Earns 2018 President’s Leadership Award

Jacqueline Gibson

05/02/2018 - Undergraduate student Jacqueline Gibson is one of six recipients of the 2018 President’s Leadership Award, which is given annually by the Texas Exes. Jacqueline and her fellow awardees represent some the most active participants on the Forty Acres and set the pace on campus. According to the Alcalde, "These students are what one could conservatively call active participants—not simply for showing up, but for taking charge, too."

Students Blend Science, Art and Communication to Design Games and Apps

Students showcase their games during Digital Demo Day. Photo by Jennifer Reel.

03/26/2018 - The UT Game and Mobile Media Applications (GAMMA) program was established six years ago upon a simple principle: humans like to play. GAMMA, a collaboration between the College of Natural Sciences, the College of Fine Arts and the Moody College of Communications, is an undergraduate certificate program that prepares students for careers in designing video games and mobile apps. As an interdisciplinary initiative that blends expertise from all three colleges, the certificate program gives students opportunities to apply both computing and creativity toward the production of apps and games that are useful and entertaining.

Women in Computer Science Hosts "Magical" All-Women Hackathon

Women in Computer Science student organization members

02/22/2018 - On Saturday, Women in Computer Science hosted WiCS Hacks, an all-women 12-hour hackathon sponsored by HomeAway, IBM and Bloomberg. This year, the theme of the hackathon was magic and featured categories such as educational technology, community impact, IBM Watson and “magical hacks.” Eighty people attended the event, and the projects were judged by faculty members.

Vijay Chadambaram and Eric Lee Win Best Paper Prize at FAST 2018

Vijay Chidambaram

02/16/2018 - UTCS Professor Vijay Chidambaram and undergraduate researcher Eric Lee co-authored a paper titled "Protocol-aware Recovery for Consensus-based Storage'' which won the best paper prize at the 2018 USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST).

Ashlie Martinez Earns Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award

Ashlie Martinez

12/19/2017 - Undergraduate student Ashlie Martinez has been selected as an awardee of the 2018 Computing Research Association's (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award. Ashlie is a senior in the Turing Scholars Honors program in UT Computer Science.

Austin Team Wins First Place in Video Game Hackathon

11/16/2017 - A team of game developers from Austin won first place in the Anti-Defamation League’s Center for Technology and Society’s first ever game jam, a competitive hackathon in which participants create video games. The theme of the game jam, “Being an Ally,” focused on developing video games that explore speaking out against hate and bias in society. The hackathon included teams of game developers from all across the U.S.

UT Competitive Programming Team Wins ACM-ICPC South Central USA Regional Competition

UT Competitive Programming Team

11/14/2017 - On Sat, 4 Nov 2017, the UT Competitive Programming team won the ACM-ICPC South Central USA Regional Competition at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. The winning team, consisting of Arnav Sastry (senior), Daniel Talamas (senior), and Ethan Arnold (junior), will compete in the ACM-ICPC World Finals this coming April in Bejing, China.

Robocup Victory for UT

08/15/2017 - Team UT Austin Villa won 3rd place in the Robocup@home competition, in the Domestic Standard Platform League. Other US institutions participating in this league include: UC San Diego, Northeastern, and Berkeley. Three of these teams qualified to compete in Japan (UT Austin, UCSD and Northeastern).