Class Summary |
Alpha |
The alpha NodeComponent object provides common methods for
converting a time value into an alpha value (a value in the range 0
to 1). |
AlternateAppearance |
The AlternateAppearance leaf node is used for overriding the
Appearance component of selected nodes. |
AmbientLight |
An ambient light source object. |
Appearance |
The Appearance object defines all rendering state that can be set
as a component object of a Shape3D node. |
AuralAttributes |
The AuralAttributes object is a component object of a Soundscape node that
defines environmental audio parameters that affect sound rendering. |
Background |
The Background leaf node defines a solid background color
and a background image that are used to fill the window at the
beginning of each new frame. |
BackgroundSound |
A BackgroundSound node defines an unattenuated, nonspatialized sound
source that has no position or direction. |
Behavior |
The Behavior leaf node provides a framework for adding user-defined
actions into the scene graph. |
Billboard |
The Billboard behavior node operates on the TransformGroup node
to cause the local +z axis of the TransformGroup to point at
the viewer's eye position. |
BoundingBox |
This class defines an axis aligned bounding box which is used for
bounding regions. |
BoundingLeaf |
The BoundingLeaf node defines a bounding region object that can be
referenced by other nodes to define a region of influence
(Fog and Light nodes), an application region (Background, Clip,
and Soundscape nodes), or a scheduling region (Sound and
Behavior nodes). |
BoundingPolytope |
A BoundingPolytope defines a polyhedral bounding region using the
intersection of four or more half spaces. |
BoundingSphere |
This class defines a spherical bounding region which is defined by a
center point and a radius. |
Bounds |
The abstract base class for bounds objects. |
BranchGroup |
The BranchGroup serves as a pointer to the root of a
scene graph branch; BranchGroup objects are the only objects that
can be inserted into a Locale's set of objects. |
Canvas3D |
The Canvas3D class provides a drawing canvas for 3D rendering. |
Clip |
The Clip leaf node defines the back, or far, clip distance in
the virtual universe. |
ColoringAttributes |
The ColoringAttributes object defines attributes used in
color selection and shading model. |
ColorInterpolator |
Color interpolation behavior. |
CompressedGeometry |
The compressed geometry object is used to store geometry in a
compressed format. |
CompressedGeometryHeader |
The CompressedGeometrHeader object is used in conjunction with
the CompressedGeometry object. |
ConeSound |
The ConeSound node object defines a PointSound node whose sound source is
directed along a specific vector in space. |
DecalGroup |
The DecalGroup node is an ordered group node used for defining decal
geometry on top of other geometry. |
DepthComponent |
Abstract base class that defines a 2D array of depth (Z) values. |
DepthComponentFloat |
A 2D array of depth (Z) values in floating point format in the range [0,1]. |
DepthComponentInt |
A 2D array of depth (Z) values in integer format. |
DepthComponentNative |
A 2D array of depth (Z) values stored in the most efficient format for a
particular device. |
DirectionalLight |
A DirectionalLight node defines an oriented light with an origin at
infinity. |
DistanceLOD |
This class defines a distance-based LOD behavior node that operates on
a Switch group node to select one of the children of that Switch node
based on the distance of this LOD node from the viewer. |
ExponentialFog |
The ExponentialFog leaf node extends the Fog leaf node by adding a
fog density that is used as the exponent of the fog equation. |
Fog |
The Fog leaf node defines a set of fog parameters common to all
types of fog. |
Font3D |
The Font3D object is used to store extruded 2D glyphs. |
FontExtrusion |
The FontExtrusion object is used to describe the extrusion path
for a Font3D object. |
Geometry |
Geometry is an abstract class that specifies the geometry
component information required by a Shape3D node. |
GeometryArray |
The GeometryArray object contains separate arrays of positional
coordinates, colors, normals, and texture coordinates that
describe point, line, or polygon geometry. |
GeometryStripArray |
The GeometryStripArray object is an abstract class that is extended for
a set of GeometryArray strip primitives. |
GraphicsConfigTemplate3D |
This class is used to obtain a valid GraphicsConfiguration that can be used by Java 3D. |
GraphicsContext3D |
A GraphicsContext3D object is used for immediate mode rendering into
a 3D canvas. |
Group |
The Group node object is a general-purpose grouping node. |
HiResCoord |
The HiResCoord object specifies the location of scene
components within the Virtual Universe. |
ImageComponent |
Abstract class that is used to define 2D or 3D ImageComponent
classes used in a Java 3D scene graph. |
ImageComponent2D |
This class defines a 2D image component. |
ImageComponent3D |
This class defines a 3D image component. |
IndexedGeometryArray |
The IndexedGeometryArray object contains separate integer arrays
that index into the arrays of positional coordinates, colors,
normals, and texture coordinates. |
IndexedGeometryStripArray |
The IndexedGeometryStripArray object is an abstract class that is extended for
a set of IndexedGeometryArray strip primitives. |
IndexedLineArray |
The IndexedLineArray object draws the array of vertices as individual
line segments. |
IndexedLineStripArray |
The IndexedLineStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of
connected line strips. |
IndexedPointArray |
The IndexedPointArray object draws the array of vertices as
individual points. |
IndexedQuadArray |
The IndexedQuadArray object draws the array of vertices as individual
quadrilaterals. |
IndexedTriangleArray |
The IndexedTriangleArray object draws the array of vertices as individual
triangles. |
IndexedTriangleFanArray |
The IndexedTriangleFanArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of
connected triangle fans. |
IndexedTriangleStripArray |
The IndexedTriangleStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of
connected triangle strips. |
Interpolator |
Interpolator is an abstract class that extends Behavior to provide
common methods used by various interpolation subclasses. |
J3DBuffer |
Java 3D wrapper class for java.nio.Buffer objects. |
J3DGraphics2D |
The J3DGraphics2D class extends Graphics2D to provide 2D rendering
into a Canvas3D. |
Leaf |
The Leaf node is an abstract class for all scene graph nodes that
have no children. |
Light |
The Light leaf node is an abstract class that defines a set of
parameters common to all
types of light. |
LinearFog |
The LinearFog leaf node defines fog distance parameters for
linear fog. |
LineArray |
The LineArray object draws the array of vertices as individual
line segments. |
LineAttributes |
The LineAttributes object defines all rendering state that can be set
as a component object of a Shape3D node. |
LineStripArray |
The LineStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of
connected line strips. |
Link |
A Link leaf node allows an application to reference a shared graph,
rooted by a SharedGroup node, from within a branch graph or another
shared graph. |
Locale |
A Locale object defines a high-resolution position within a
VirtualUniverse, and serves as a container for a collection of
BranchGroup-rooted subgraphs (branch graphs), at that position. |
An LOD leaf node is an abstract behavior class that operates on
a list of Switch group nodes to select one of the children of the
Switch nodes. |
Material |
The Material object defines the appearance of an object under
illumination. |
MediaContainer |
The MediaContainer object defines all sound data: cached state flag, and
associated sound media. |
ModelClip |
The ModelClip leaf node defines a set of 6 arbitrary clipping
planes in the virtual universe. |
Morph |
The Morph leaf node permits an application to morph between
multiple GeometryArrays. |
Node |
The Node class provides an abstract class for all Group and Leaf Nodes. |
NodeComponent |
NodeComponent is a common superclass for all scene graph node
component objects such as: Geometry, Appearance, Material, Texture, etc. |
NodeReferenceTable |
The NodeReferenceTable object is used by a leaf node's
updateNodeReferences method called by the
cloneTree method. |
OrderedGroup |
The OrderedGroup node is a Group that ensures its children render
in a specified order. |
OrientedShape3D |
The OrientedShape3D leaf node is a Shape3D node that is oriented
along a specified axis or about a specified point. |
PathInterpolator |
PathInterpolator behavior. |
PhysicalBody |
This object contains a specification of the user's head. |
PhysicalEnvironment |
This object contains a specification of the physical environment in
which the view will be generated. |
PickBounds |
PickBounds is a finite pick shape defined with a Bounds object. |
PickCone |
PickCone is the abstract base class of all cone pick shapes. |
PickConeRay |
PickConeRay is an infinite cone ray pick shape. |
PickConeSegment |
PickConeSegment is a finite cone segment pick shape. |
PickCylinder |
PickCylinder is the abstract base class of all cylindrical pick shapes. |
PickCylinderRay |
PickCylinderRay is an infinite cylindrical ray pick shape. |
PickCylinderSegment |
PickCylinderSegment is a finite cylindrical segment pick shape. |
PickPoint |
PickPoint is a pick shape defined as a single point. |
PickRay |
PickRay is an infinite ray pick shape. |
PickSegment |
PickSegment is a line segment pick shape. |
PickShape |
An abstract class for describing a pick shape that can be used with
the BranchGroup and Locale picking methods. |
PointArray |
The PointArray object draws the array of vertices as individual points. |
PointAttributes |
The PointAttributes object defines all attributes that apply to
point primitives. |
PointLight |
The PointLight object specifies an attenuated light source at a
fixed point in space that radiates light equally in all directions
away from the light source. |
PointSound |
The PointSound node (a sub-class of the Sound node) defines a spatially
located sound source whose waves radiate uniformly in all directions from
a given location in space. |
PolygonAttributes |
The PolygonAttributes object defines attributes for rendering polygon
primitives. |
PositionInterpolator |
Position interpolator behavior. |
PositionPathInterpolator |
PositionPathInterpolator behavior. |
QuadArray |
The QuadArray object draws the array of vertices as individual
quadrilaterals. |
Raster |
The Raster object extends Geometry to allow drawing a raster image
that is attached to a 3D location in the virtual world. |
RenderingAttributes |
The RenderingAttributes object defines common rendering attributes
for all primitive types. |
RotationInterpolator |
Rotation interpolator behavior. |
RotationPathInterpolator |
RotationPathInterpolator behavior. |
RotPosPathInterpolator |
RotPosPathInterpolator behavior. |
RotPosScalePathInterpolator |
RotPosScalePathInterpolation behavior. |
ScaleInterpolator |
Scale interpolation behavior. |
SceneGraphObject |
SceneGraphObject is a common superclass for
all scene graph component objects. |
SceneGraphPath |
A SceneGraphPath object represents the path from a Locale to a
terminal node in the scene graph. |
Screen3D |
The Screen3D Object contains all information about a particular screen. |
Sensor |
The Sensor Class encapsulates an object that provides real-time
data. |
SensorRead |
A SensorRead encapsulates all the information associated with a single
reading of a sensor, including a timestamp, a transform, and,
optionally, button values. |
Shape3D |
The Shape3D leaf node specifies all geometric objects. |
SharedGroup |
The SharedGroup provides the ability to manipulate an
instanced scene graph. |
Sound |
Sound node is an abstract class that defines the properties common to all
sound sources. |
Soundscape |
The Soundscape Leaf Node defines the attributes that characterize the
listener's environment as it pertains to sound. |
SpotLight |
The SpotLight object specifies an attenuated light source at a
fixed point in space that radiates light in a specified direction
from the light source. |
Switch |
The Switch node controls which of its children will be rendered. |
SwitchValueInterpolator |
SwitchValueInterpolator behavior. |
TexCoordGeneration |
The TexCoordGeneration object contains all parameters needed for
automatic texture coordinate generation. |
Text3D |
A Text3D object is a text string that has been converted to 3D
geometry. |
Texture |
The Texture object is a component object of an Appearance object
that defines the texture properties used when texture mapping is
enabled. |
Texture2D |
Texture2D is a subclass of Texture class. |
Texture3D |
Texture3D is a subclass of Texture class. |
TextureAttributes |
The TextureAttributes object defines attributes that apply to
texture mapping. |
TextureCubeMap |
TextureCubeMap is a subclass of Texture class. |
TextureUnitState |
The TextureUnitState object defines all texture mapping state for a
single texture unit. |
Transform3D |
A generalized transform object represented internally as a 4x4
double-precision floating point matrix. |
TransformGroup |
Group node that contains a transform. |
TransformInterpolator |
TransformInterpolator is an abstract class that extends
Interpolator to provide common methods used by various transform
related interpolator subclasses. |
TransparencyAttributes |
The TransparencyAttributes object defines all attributes affecting
transparency of the object. |
TransparencyInterpolator |
TransparencyInterpolator behavior. |
TriangleArray |
The TriangleArray object draws the array of vertices as individual
triangles. |
TriangleFanArray |
The TriangleFanArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of
connected triangle fans. |
TriangleStripArray |
The TriangleStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of
connected triangle strips. |
View |
The View object contains all parameters needed in rendering a
three dimensional scene from one viewpoint. |
ViewPlatform |
The ViewPlatform leaf node object controls the position, orientation
and scale of the viewer. |
ViewSpecificGroup |
The ViewSpecificGroup node is a Group whose descendants are
rendered only on a specified set of views. |
VirtualUniverse |
A VirtualUniverse object is the top-level container for all scene
graphs. |
WakeupAnd |
Class specifying any number of wakeup conditions ANDed together. |
WakeupAndOfOrs |
Class specifying any number of OR wakeup conditions ANDed together. |
WakeupCondition |
An abstract class specifying a single wakeup Condition. |
WakeupCriterion |
An abstract class specifying a singleton wakeup Criterion. |
WakeupOnActivation |
Class specifying a wakeup the first time an active Viewplatform's
volume intersects with this object's scheduling region. |
WakeupOnAWTEvent |
Class that specifies a Behavior wakeup when a specific AWT event occurs. |
WakeupOnBehaviorPost |
Class that specifies a Behavior wakeup when a specific behavior object
posts a specific event |
WakeupOnCollisionEntry |
Class specifying a wakeup when the specified object
collides with any other object in the scene graph. |
WakeupOnCollisionExit |
Class specifying a wakeup when the specified object
no longer collides with any other object in the scene graph. |
WakeupOnCollisionMovement |
Class specifying a wakeup when the specified object
moves while in collision with any other object in the scene graph. |
WakeupOnDeactivation |
Class specifying a wakeup on first detection of a Viewplatform's
activation volume no longer intersecting with this object's scheduling
region. |
WakeupOnElapsedFrames |
Class specifying a wakeup when a specific number of frames have
elapsed. |
WakeupOnElapsedTime |
Class specifying a wakeup when a specific number of milliseconds
have elapsed. |
WakeupOnSensorEntry |
Class specifying a wakeup on first sensor intersection with the
specified boundary. |
WakeupOnSensorExit |
Class specifying a wakeup on first detection of sensors no
longer intersecting the specified boundary. |
WakeupOnTransformChange |
Class specifying a wakeup when the transform within a specified
TransformGroup changes |
WakeupOnViewPlatformEntry |
Class specifying a wakeup when an active ViewPlatform intersects the
specified boundary. |
WakeupOnViewPlatformExit |
Class specifying a wakeup when an active ViewPlatform no longer
intersects the specified boundary. |
WakeupOr |
Class specifying any number of wakeup conditions ORed together. |
WakeupOrOfAnds |
Class specifying any number of AND wakeup conditions ORed together. |