bestimage-plant -t.gif (1977 bytes)


Computer Graphics

Lecture: T, Th 11:00AM - 12:30PM (GEO 2.102), Course #: 54085

Computer Science Department

University of Texas at Austin

Fall 2005

Instructor's Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Chandrajit Bajaj Rand Martin Sangmin Park
ACES 2.324A ACES 2.324  Taylor Basement Lab.
(512) 471-8870 Use Email Use Email
Office Hours
T, Th 1:30 - 3:00PM   Administrative Associate T, Th 3:00 - 4:30PM


Recommended Book

"Interactive Computer Graphics" by Ed. Angel, Addison-Wesley, 4th edition.,  


  1. The four programming assignments, each of equal weight, have a programming part and a written part. The programming part will be graded on correctness (50%), efficiency (20%), programming style (15%), and elegance of user interface (10%). In addition, creativity and superior rendering effects will be rewarded (5%).
  3. You are encouraged to do PAIR-programming. Your chosen partner remains the same throughout the semester. Each PAIR turns in a single program for grading, however the answers to the written questions needs to be written up and submitted individually.
  5. Each programming assignment should be completed on time. To allow for unforeseeable circumstances PAIRS shall be allowed 4/4 days (4 days for code, 4 days per person for written work) grace during the semester.  The grace shall be given 7/7 days, if you choose to program individually. For PAIRS, you can either be late 4 days on one assignment, or 3 days on one and one day on another, etc.  Beyond this, late turn-ins will be penalized a flat 5% of the total 100% per day they are late.
  7. There are two parts to each Project: a coding portion that is done in groups (80% of the project grade) and a written portion that is done individually (20% of the project grade).  For PAIRS, each group has four total grace days to be used on the coding section of each project.  Each person in that group also has four grace days, accounted for separately (i.e. per person), to be used on his or her personal written assignments.  Students working individually have 7 late days for code and 7 late days for the written work.  Note that all late days, both group late days (for code) and personal late days (for the written portion), take effect beginning on the due date for the Project.  You may submit your code before you submit your written assignment, and vice versa.
  9. The final grade will be compiled from the two midterms exam (10% + 10%) , final exam (20%), 4 programming assignments (4 x 12%), 4 written assignments (4 x 3%)
CS 354 Course Outline

This course provides a top down and stepwise refinement introduction to computer graphics as well as lays the foundation for a graduate course in computer graphics and data visualization. There is a choice of both breadth and depth in the intertwined topics of graphic, computational geometry, geometric modeling and data visualization.  

List of Lectures
September 1
Course Syllabus, grading etc.  Graphics Systems and Rasterization
September 6
Graphics Programming and Interactive Programs/Graphical Interfaces    (Project 1 Posted)
September 8
Viewing Systems I: Model Transformations
September 13
Viewing Systems II: Projections,Perspective Mapping 
September 15
Viewing Systems III: 3D Rotations/Orientations   Supplement 
September 20
Object Representations I (Fractals,Iterated Systems,L-systems)  Programming Supplement
September 22
Object Representations II (Recursive Subdivision Curves, Surfaces) (Project 2 Posted)
September 27
Object Representations III (A-splines,B-splines)  (Practice Midterm Posted) (Project 1 Due)
September 29
Object Representations IV (Shapes, Scenes)  (Practice Midterm Solutions Posted)
October 4
October 6
Color, Light, Photorealism 
October 11
Illumination Models (I):Direct and Local Specular 
October 13
Illumination Models (II): Shading (Project 3 Posted)
October 18
Illumination Models (III): Global View Dependent (Project 2 Due)
October 20
Illumination IV: Global Diffuse
October 25 Illumination V: Object & Environment Effects
October 27
Illumination VI: Special Effects
November 1
Visibility Algorithms I: Depth Sort
November 3
Visibility Algorithms II: Partitioning Trees  (Project 4 Posted)
November 8
Visibility Algorithms III: Occluders  (Project 3 Due)
November 10
Image Processing I : Compositing
November 15
November 17
Image Processing II: Anti-aliasing
November 22
Animation I
November 24
Thanksgiving Holidays
November 29
Animation II
December 1
Practice Final Questions      Practice Final Answers 
December 6
(Project 4 Due)
December 8