A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z 


AbstractLane - Class in aim4.map.lane
This is a base class for all Lanes.
AbstractLane(double) - Constructor for class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Create a new Lane.
acceleration - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyPVUpdate
The acceleration of the vehicle
accelProfile - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyPVUpdate
The acceleration profile
AccelProfile - Class in aim4.vehicle
The acceleration profile.
AccelProfile() - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.AccelProfile
Create an acceleration profile.
AccelProfile.DurAccel - Class in aim4.vehicle
A pair of acceleration and duration.
AccelProfile.DurAccel(double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.AccelProfile.DurAccel
Create a pair of acceleration and duration
AccelSchedule - Class in aim4.vehicle
The acceleration schedule
AccelSchedule() - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule
Create an acceleration schedule.
AccelSchedule.TimeAccel - Class in aim4.vehicle
The time-acceleration pair.
AccelSchedule.TimeAccel(double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule.TimeAccel
Create a time-acceleration pair.
accept(AczManager.Plan) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager
Accept the proposed plan.
accept(ReservationGridManager.Plan) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
Accept the proposed plan.
accept(Plan) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationManager
Accept the proposed plan.
act() - Method in class aim4.driver.AutoDriver
Take control actions for driving the agent's Vehicle.
act() - Method in interface aim4.driver.coordinator.Coordinator
Receive, process, and send messages between Vehicles and IntersectionManagers, and maintain the reservation status in the Vehicle.
act() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.NoIntersectionCoordinator
Receive, process, and send messages between Vehicles and IntersectionManagers, and maintain the reservation status in the Vehicle.
act() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator
Receive, process, and send messages between Vehicles and IntersectionManagers, and maintain the reservation status in the Vehicle.
act() - Method in class aim4.driver.CrashTestDummy
Take steering actions to guide a test vehicle through a simulated traversal of the intersection.
act() - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Take control actions for driving the agent's Vehicle.
act() - Method in interface aim4.driver.DriverSimView
Take control actions for driving the agent's Vehicle.
act() - Method in class aim4.driver.ProxyDriver
Take control actions for driving the agent's Vehicle.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.DummyManager
Take any actions for a certain period of time.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Take any actions for a certain period of time.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.AllStopPolicy
Give the policy a chance to do any processing it might need to do in order to respond to requests, if it hasn't responded to them already.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Give the policy a chance to do any processing it might need to do in order to respond to requests, if it hasn't responded to them already.
act(double) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.policy.Policy
Give the policy a chance to do any processing it might need to do in order to respond to requests, if it hasn't responded to them already.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Give the policy a chance to do any processing it might need to do in order to respond to requests, if it hasn't responded to them already.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.AllStopRequestHandler
Let the request handler to act for a given time period.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Let the request handler to act for a given time period.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Let the request handler to act for a given time period.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Let the request handler to act for a given time period.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxStopSignRequestHandler
Let the request handler to act for a given time period.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler
Let the request handler to act for a given time period.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.FCFSRequestHandler
Let the request handler to act for a given time period.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.GoStraightRequestHandler
Let the request handler to act for a given time period.
act(double) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.RequestHandler
Let the request handler to act for a given time period.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
Advance the time step.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Give the V2IManager a chance to respond to messages from vehicles, change policies, and so forth.
act(SpawnPoint, double) - Method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil.EnumerateSpawnSpecGenerator
Advance the time step.
act(SpawnPoint, double) - Method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil.OneSpawnSpecGenerator
Advance the time step.
act(SpawnPoint, double) - Method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil.OnlyOneSpawnSpecGenerator
Advance the time step.
act(SpawnPoint, double) - Method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil.UniformSpawnSpecGenerator
Advance the time step.
act(double) - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint
Advance the time step.
act(SpawnPoint, double) - Method in interface aim4.map.SpawnPoint.SpawnSpecGenerator
Advance the time step.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.AdminControlPanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
AczManager - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The ACZ manager.
AczManager(AdmissionControlZone) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager
Create a ACZ manager.
AczManager.Plan - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The plan of the reservation.
AczManager.Plan(int, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager.Plan
Create a plan of the reservation.
AczManager.Query - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The query for the ACZ manager.
AczManager.Query(int, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager.Query
Create a query for the ACZ manager.
add(Track) - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack
Add a track to the path track.
add(double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelProfile
Add a duration and acceleration pair to the profile.
add(double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule
Add a time-acceleration pair to the acceleration schedule.
addCurrentlyOccupiedLane(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverCoordinatorView
Add a lane that the DriverAgent's vehicle currently occupies.
addCurrentlyOccupiedLane(Lane) - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Add a lane that the DriverAgent's vehicle currently occupies.
ADDITIONAL_STOP_DIST_BEFORE_INTERSECTION - Static variable in class aim4.config.SimConfig
The distance before the stopping distance before an intersection such that a vehicle can consider moving again when MUST_STOP_BEFORE_INTERSECTION is true.
addLongTermDebugPoint(DebugPoint) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Add a new long-term debug point.
addProxyVehicle(ProxyVehicleSimView) - Method in class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator
Add the proxy vehicle to the simulator for the mixed reality experiments.
addProxyVehicle(ProxyVehicleSimView) - Method in interface aim4.sim.Simulator
Add the proxy vehicle to the simulator for the mixed reality experiments.
addShortTermDebugPoint(DebugPoint) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Add a new short-term debug point.
addTheRightMostLane(Lane) - Method in class aim4.map.Road
Add a right most lane to this Road.
AdminControlPanel - Class in aim4.gui.statuspanel
The Administration Control Panel
AdminControlPanel(Viewer) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.statuspanel.AdminControlPanel
Create an administration control panel.
AdmissionControlZone - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
This is a data structure to manage the admission control zone, the area after an intersection in one lane.
AdmissionControlZone(double) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AdmissionControlZone
Construct a new AdmissionControlZone with the given maximum length.
admit(int, double, double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AdmissionControlZone
Reserve space for a vehicle to enter this admission control zone.
aim4 - package aim4
This is the root of the all packages of the AIM4 simulator.
aim4.config - package aim4.config
This package contains the configuration settings for the AIM4 simulator.
aim4.driver - package aim4.driver
This packages contains the driver model.
aim4.driver.coordinator - package aim4.driver.coordinator
This package contains the implementation of the coordinator, one of the three agents in the driver agent.
aim4.driver.navigator - package aim4.driver.navigator
This package contains the implementation of the navigator, one of the three agents in the driver agent.
aim4.driver.pilot - package aim4.driver.pilot
This package contains the implementation of the pilot, one of the three agents in the driver agent.
aim4.gui - package aim4.gui
This package contains the implementation of the GUI of the simulator.
aim4.gui.component - package aim4.gui.component
This package contains the Java components used by the GUI.
aim4.gui.frame - package aim4.gui.frame
This package contains the Java Frames used by the GUI.
aim4.gui.parampanel - package aim4.gui.parampanel
This package contains the panels for setting parameters in GUI.
aim4.gui.statuspanel - package aim4.gui.statuspanel
This package contains the panels used by the GUI to show the status of the simulation and to control the simulation.
aim4.im - package aim4.im
This package contains the implementation of the intersection manager.
aim4.im.v2i - package aim4.im.v2i
This package contains the implementation of the V2I intersection manager.
aim4.im.v2i.batch - package aim4.im.v2i.batch
This package contains the implementation of the batch policy.
aim4.im.v2i.policy - package aim4.im.v2i.policy
This package contains the implementation of various intersection control policies for the V2I intersection manager.
aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler - package aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
This package contains the implementations of the request handlers of the V2I intersection manager.
aim4.im.v2i.reservation - package aim4.im.v2i.reservation
This package contains the implementation of the reservation manager for the V2I intersection manager.
aim4.map - package aim4.map
This package contains the implementations of the map in the AIM4 simulator.
aim4.map.destination - package aim4.map.destination
This package contains the implementations of the destination selectors.
aim4.map.lane - package aim4.map.lane
This package contains the implementations of the lane objects in the map.
aim4.map.track - package aim4.map.track
This package contains the track objects for the map.
aim4.msg.i2v - package aim4.msg.i2v
This package contains the implementation of the I2V messages in the AIM protocol.
aim4.msg.udp - package aim4.msg.udp
This package contains the implementation of the UDP messages for the mixed reality simulation.
aim4.msg.v2i - package aim4.msg.v2i
This package contains the implementation of the V2I messages in the AIM protocol.
aim4.noise - package aim4.noise
This package contains the noise function for the sensors of the vehicle.
aim4.sim - package aim4.sim
This package contains the implementation of the simulation object of the simulator.
aim4.sim.setup - package aim4.sim.setup
This package contains the implementations of the simulation setup objects.
aim4.util - package aim4.util
This package contains some helper functions and classes.
aim4.vehicle - package aim4.vehicle
This package contains the vehicle model in the simulator.
AllStopPolicy - Class in aim4.im.v2i.policy
A policy that always denies every reservation request.
AllStopPolicy(V2IManagerCallback) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.policy.AllStopPolicy
Create an all stop policy
AllStopRequestHandler - Class in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The all stop request handler
AllStopRequestHandler() - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.AllStopRequestHandler
angleDiff(double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Determine the angle between two angles.
angleToPoint(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Find the angle of the heading to a point from a given starting point.
append(String) - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.ConsolePanel
Append a string to the console.
append(PathTrack) - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack
Append a path track to the end of this path track.
apply(double) - Method in class aim4.noise.BasicNoiseFunction
Apply the noise function to the given value.
apply(double) - Method in class aim4.noise.GaussianNoiseFunction
Apply the noise function to the given value.
apply(double) - Method in interface aim4.noise.NoiseFunction
Apply the noise function to the given value.
apply(double) - Method in class aim4.noise.UniformFixedNoiseFunction
Apply the noise function to the given value.
apply(double) - Method in class aim4.noise.UniformProportionalNoiseFunction
Apply the noise function to the given value.
Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler - Class in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The approximate 4-Phases traffic signal request handler.
Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler(double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Create the approximate 4-Phases traffic signal request handler.
Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup - Class in aim4.sim.setup
The setup for the simulator in which the intersections are controlled by 4-phases traffic signals.
Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup(BasicSimSetup) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup
Create a setup for the simulator in which the intersections are controlled by 4-phases traffic signals.
Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup(int, int, double, double, int, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup
Create a setup for the simulator in which the intersections are controlled by 4-phases traffic signals.
ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler - Class in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The approximate N-Phases traffic signal request handler.
ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler() - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Create the approximate N-Phases traffic signal request handler.
ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler.CyclicSignalController - Class in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The cyclic signal controller.
ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler.CyclicSignalController(double[], TrafficSignal[]) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler.CyclicSignalController
ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler.CyclicSignalController(double[], TrafficSignal[], double) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler.CyclicSignalController
Create a cyclic signal controller.
ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler.SignalController - Interface in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The interface of signal controllers.
ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup - Class in aim4.sim.setup
The setup for the simulator in which the intersections are controlled by N-phases traffic signals.
ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup(BasicSimSetup, String) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup
Create the setup for the simulator in which the intersections are controlled by N-phases traffic signals.
ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalRequestHandler - Class in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The approximate traffic signal request handler.
ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalRequestHandler(double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalRequestHandler
ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalSimSetup - Class in aim4.sim.setup
The setup for the simulator in which the intersections are controlled by stop signs.
ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalSimSetup(BasicSimSetup) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalSimSetup
Create the setup for the simulator in which the intersections are controlled by stop signs.
ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalSimSetup(int, int, double, double, int, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalSimSetup
Create the setup for the simulator in which the intersections are controlled by stop signs.
ApproxStopSignRequestHandler - Class in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The approximate stop sign request handler.
ApproxStopSignRequestHandler() - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxStopSignRequestHandler
ApproxStopSignSimSetup - Class in aim4.sim.setup
The setup for the simulator in which the intersections are controlled by stop signs.
ApproxStopSignSimSetup(BasicSimSetup) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxStopSignSimSetup
Create a setup for the simulator in which the intersections are controlled by stop signs.
ApproxStopSignSimSetup(int, int, double, double, int, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxStopSignSimSetup
Create a setup for the simulator in which the intersections are controlled by stop signs.
ArcTrack - Class in aim4.map.track
The arc-shape track.
ArcTrack(WayPoint, WayPoint, Point2D, boolean) - Constructor for class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack
Create an arc-shape track segment.
ArcTrack.Position - Class in aim4.map.track
A position of the arc-shape track.
ArcTrack.Position(double) - Constructor for class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack.Position
Create a position object at the given distance from the starting waypoint on this track
areTilesSquare() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea
Whether or not the tile are squares.
ArrayListRegistry<T> - Class in aim4.util
A registry based on array list.
ArrayListRegistry() - Constructor for class aim4.util.ArrayListRegistry
Create an array list registry.
ArrayListRegistry(int) - Constructor for class aim4.util.ArrayListRegistry
Create an array list registry.
ArrivalEstimationException - Exception in aim4.driver.coordinator
The exception for wrong arrival estimation.
ArrivalEstimationException(String) - Constructor for exception aim4.driver.coordinator.ArrivalEstimationException
Construct an arrival estimation exception.
ArrivalEstimationResult - Class in aim4.driver.coordinator
The result of arrival estimations.
ArrivalEstimationResult(double, double, AccelSchedule) - Constructor for class aim4.driver.coordinator.ArrivalEstimationResult
Construct an arrival estimation result object.
arrivalTimeSpan - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyRequest
The arrival time span
arrivalVelocity - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyRequest
The arrival velocity
ASPHALT_COLOR - Static variable in class aim4.gui.Canvas
The color of the asphalt, if the image does not load properly.
assign(VehicleSpec) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Update all values in this specification to the given specification.
AutoDriver - Class in aim4.driver
An agent that drives a AutoVehicleDriverView while coordinating with IntersectionManagers and other Vehicles.
AutoDriver(AutoVehicleDriverView, BasicMap) - Constructor for class aim4.driver.AutoDriver
AutoDriverCoordinatorView - Interface in aim4.driver
An autonomous driver's from the viewpoint of coordinators.
AutoDriverOnlyParamPanel - Class in aim4.gui.parampanel
The autonomous driver only simulation parameter panel.
AutoDriverOnlyParamPanel(BasicSimSetup) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.parampanel.AutoDriverOnlyParamPanel
Create the autonomous driver only simulation parameter panel.
AutoDriverOnlySimSetup - Class in aim4.sim.setup
The setup for the simulator in which all vehicles are autonomous.
AutoDriverOnlySimSetup(BasicSimSetup) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup
Create a setup for the simulator in which all vehicles are autonomous.
AutoDriverOnlySimSetup(int, int, double, double, int, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup
Create a setup for the simulator in which all vehicles are autonomous.
AutoDriverOnlySimSetup.TrafficType - Enum in aim4.sim.setup
The traffic type.
AutoDriverOnlySimulator - Class in aim4.sim
The autonomous drivers only simulator.
AutoDriverOnlySimulator(BasicMap) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator
Create an instance of the simulator.
AutoDriverOnlySimulator.AutoDriverOnlySimStepResult - Class in aim4.sim
The result of a simulation step.
AutoDriverOnlySimulator.AutoDriverOnlySimStepResult(List<Integer>) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator.AutoDriverOnlySimStepResult
Create a result of a simulation step
AutoDriverPilotView - Interface in aim4.driver
Autonomous driver from the viewpoint of pilots.
AutoV2VDriver - Class in aim4.driver
An autonomous V2V driver.
AutoV2VDriver(AutoVehicleDriverView, BasicMap) - Constructor for class aim4.driver.AutoV2VDriver
AutoV2VDriver.State - Enum in aim4.driver
Potential states that a CoordinatingDriverAgent can be in.
AutoVehicleDriverView - Interface in aim4.vehicle
The interface of an autonomous vehicle from the viewpoint of a driver.
AutoVehicleDriverView.LRFMode - Enum in aim4.vehicle
Potential operating modes for a vehicle's laser range finder.
AutoVehicleSimView - Interface in aim4.vehicle
The interface of an autonomous vehicle from the viewpoint of a simulator.
away(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AdmissionControlZone
Indicates that the vehicle with the given ID number has left the admission control zone by driving out of it within the lane.
Away - Class in aim4.msg.v2i
Message sent from a Vehicle to an Intersection Manager to inform it that it has exited the Admission Control Zone.
Away(int, int, int) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.Away
Basic class constructor with all required fields.


BACKGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in class aim4.gui.Canvas
The color of the background
BasePolicy - Class in aim4.im.v2i.policy
The base policy.
BasePolicy(V2IManagerCallback, RequestHandler) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Create a new base policy for a given V2IManagerCallback (implemented by a V2IManager) and a request handler.
BasePolicy(V2IManagerCallback, RequestHandler, StatCollector<BasePolicy>) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Create a new base policy for a given V2IManagerCallback (implemented by a V2IManager) and a request handler.
BasePolicy.ProposalFilterResult - Class in aim4.im.v2i.policy
The result of the standard proposal filter
BasePolicy.ProposalFilterResult(List<Request.Proposal>) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ProposalFilterResult
Create the result of the standard proposal filter
BasePolicy.ProposalFilterResult(Reject.Reason) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ProposalFilterResult
Create the result of the standard proposal filter
BasePolicy.ReservationRecord - Class in aim4.im.v2i.policy
The record of a reservation.
BasePolicy.ReservationRecord(int, int) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ReservationRecord
Create a record of a reservation
BasePolicy.ReserveParam - Class in aim4.im.v2i.policy
The reservation parameter record generated by processProposals()
BasePolicy.ReserveParam(int, Request.Proposal, ReservationGridManager.Plan, AczManager, AczManager.Plan) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ReserveParam
Create a reservation parameter record.
BasePolicyCallback - Interface in aim4.im.v2i.policy
The base policy's callback interface.
BasicAutoVehicle - Class in aim4.vehicle
The basic autonomous vehicle.
BasicAutoVehicle(VehicleSpec, Point2D, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Construct a vehicle
BasicMap - Interface in aim4.map
Essentially a structured grouping of Roads and IntersectionManagers that allows a unified interface so that we can re-use certain layouts and create classes of layouts.
BasicNavigator - Class in aim4.driver.navigator
A base class for an agent that chooses which way a vehicle should go.
BasicNavigator(VehicleSpec, BasicMap) - Constructor for class aim4.driver.navigator.BasicNavigator
Construct a new Navigator for the given Vehicle specification.
BasicNoiseFunction - Class in aim4.noise
Singleton class representing the null NoiseFunction.
BasicPilot - Class in aim4.driver.pilot
The basic pilot agent.
BasicPilot() - Constructor for class aim4.driver.pilot.BasicPilot
BasicSimSetup - Class in aim4.sim.setup
The basic simulator setup
BasicSimSetup(BasicSimSetup) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Create a copy of a given basic simulator setup.
BasicSimSetup(int, int, double, double, int, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Create a basic simulator setup.
BasicVehicle - Class in aim4.vehicle
The most basic form of a vehicle.
BasicVehicle(VehicleSpec, Point2D, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Construct a vehicle
BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement - Class in aim4.vehicle
The acceleration schedule movement.
BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement(BasicVehicle.MovementWithAccel) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement
Create an acceleration schedule movement.
BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement(BasicVehicle.MovementWithAccel, AccelSchedule) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement
Create an acceleration schedule movement.
BasicVehicle.Movement - Interface in aim4.vehicle
The movement of a vehicle.
BasicVehicle.MovementFactory - Interface in aim4.vehicle
The Movement Factory
BasicVehicle.MovementWithAccel - Interface in aim4.vehicle
The movement with acceleration interface
BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement - Class in aim4.vehicle
A move-to-target-velocity movement.
BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement(VehicleSpec, Point2D, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement
Create a move-to-target-velocity movement.
BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement(BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement
Create a move-to-target-velocity movement.
BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement - Class in aim4.vehicle
The non-acceleration movement
BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement(VehicleSpec, Point2D, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement
Create a non-acceleration movement.
BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement - Class in aim4.vehicle
The physical movement.
BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement(BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement, double) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
Create the physical movement.
BasicVehicle.SteeringMovement - Class in aim4.vehicle
The steering movement.
BasicVehicle.SteeringMovement(VehicleSpec, Point2D, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.SteeringMovement
Create a steering movement.
BasicVehicle.TrackMovement - Class in aim4.vehicle
The track movement.
BasicVehicle.TrackMovement(VehicleSpec, Point2D, double, double, TrackPosition, BasicVehicle.MovementFactory) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.TrackMovement
Create a track movement.
BatchModeRequestHandler - Class in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The batch mode request handler.
BatchModeRequestHandler(ReorderingStrategy) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler
Create a batch mode request handler.
BatchModeRequestHandler(ReorderingStrategy, BatchModeRequestHandler.RequestStatCollector) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler
Create a batch mode request handler.
BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal - Class in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
A proposal with a unique ID.
BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal(int, Request.Proposal, Request, List<BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal>, double) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal
Create a new indexed proposal
BatchModeRequestHandler.RequestStatCollector - Class in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The Request statistic collector.
BatchModeRequestHandler.RequestStatCollector() - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.RequestStatCollector
BITS_PER_BYTE - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
The number of bits per byte (8).
BITS_PER_KB - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
The number of bits per kilobyte (8192).
bitsReceived - Variable in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
The number of bits this Vehicle has received.
BOOLEAN_SIZE - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
The size, in bits, of a boolean value on our theoretical platform.
BYTES_PER_KB - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
The number of bytes per kilobyte (1024).
BYTES_PER_MB - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
The number of bytes per megabyte (1048576).


calcCyclicSignalController(Road) - Method in class aim4.config.TrafficSignalPhase
Generate a signal controller for a road.
calcDiscreteTime(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the discrete time of a given time.
calcDistanceIfAccel(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleUtil
Determine how far the Vehicle will go in the given duration, if it starts at the given starting velocity and accelerates at the given acceleration toward the provided target velocity.
calcDistanceToStop(double, double) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleUtil
Get the amount of distance it will take to stop, given a starting velocity.
calcDuration(double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.MotionMath
Calculate the time it takes to accelerate (or decelerate) from the initial velocity to the end velocity.
calcDuration(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.MotionMath
Calculate the time it takes to accelerate (or decelerate) from the initial velocity to the end velocity.
calcEndVelocity(double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.MotionMath
Calculate the velocity after accelerating for a given distance, starting with a given velocity.
calcFinalDistanceAndVelocity(double, double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule
Calculate the distance and velocity traveled by the vehicle starting at a given time and velocity and ending at a given time.
calcFinalTimeAndVelocity(double, double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule
Calculate the distance and velocity traveled by the vehicle starting at a given time and velocity and ending at a given time.
calcFinalVelocity(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule
Calculate the velocity after executing the acceleration schedule, starting from the initial velocity.
calcRemainingTime(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the remaining time in the grid time step of the given time
calcTileId(int, int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the ID of the time tile at a given coordinate.
calcTime(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the time of a given discrete time.
calcTotalDistance(double, double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule
Calculate the distance traveled by the vehicle starting at a given time and velocity and ending at a given time.
calcTurnDirection(Lane, Lane) - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the turn direction of the vehicle at the next intersection.
calcTurnDirection(Lane, Lane) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the turn direction of the vehicle at the next intersection.
calculateMaxFeasibleVelocity(VehicleDriverView) - Static method in class aim4.driver.DriverUtil
Determine the maximum velocity at which the Vehicle should travel given the Lane in which it is.
calculateTraversingLaneChangeDistance() - Method in class aim4.driver.CrashTestDummy
Determine the distance at which to change lanes during the traversing inside an intersection.
calcX(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
The x coordinate of the time tile.
calcY(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
The y coordinate of the time tile.
CAN_CHANGE_LANE - Static variable in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the vehicle is allowed to change lanes
cancel(Integer) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager
Cancel the reservation.
cancel(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AdmissionControlZone
Indicates that the vehicle with the given ID number no longer wants to enter this AdmissionControlZone.
cancel(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Cancel a reservation
cancel(Integer) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
Cancel the reservation.
cancel(Ticket) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationManager
Cancel the reservation.
Cancel - Class in aim4.msg.v2i
Message sent from a Vehicle to an Intersection Manager to cancel a reservation.
Cancel(int, int, int) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.Cancel
Basic class constructor with all required fields.
canonicalAngle(double) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Get the "canonical" angle.
Canvas - Class in aim4.gui
The Canvas is the visual area on which the Layout, IntersectionManagers, Vehicles, and so forth are drawn for the user to see.
Canvas(Viewer) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.Canvas
Create a new canvas.
centroid(List<Point2D>) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Find the centroid of a list of points.
check(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.MaxAccelReservationCheck
Calculate a simple acceleration schedule if the driver drives.
checkCurrentTime(double) - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Check whether this intersection manager's time is current.
checkCurrentTime(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Check whether this vehicle's time is current.
checkCurrentTime(double) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Check whether this vehicle's time is current.
checkVelocityUpperLimit(double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule
Whether the velocity does not exceed the velocity's upper limit at any time point during the execution of the acceleration schedule
cleanUp() - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
Clean up the canvas
cleanUp(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Remove all reservations before a given discrete time.
cleanUp(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Clean up the reservation grid.
clear() - Method in class aim4.gui.component.FormattedLabel
Set the FormattedLabel to show no value.
clear() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.AdminControlPanel
Clear the panel.
clear() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.ConsolePanel
Clear the panel.
clear() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.SimControlPanel
Clear the panel.
clear() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.StatPanel
Clear the panel.
clear() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.SystemPanel
Clear the panel.
clear() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.VehicleInfoPanel
Clear the panel.
clear() - Method in class aim4.gui.StatusPanelContainer
Clear the content on the status pane
clear() - Method in interface aim4.gui.StatusPanelInterface
Clear the panel.
clearInbox() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Clear out the inbox.
clearLongTermDebugPoints() - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Clear out all the long-term debug points.
clearOutbox() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Clear out the outbox.
clearShortTermDebugPoints() - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Clear out all the short-term debug points.
coast() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Set the acceleration to zero.
coast() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement
Maintain the speed of the vehicle.
coast() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
Maintain the speed of the vehicle.
coast() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Set the acceleration to zero.
collect(BatchModeRequestHandler) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.RequestStatCollector
Collect the statistic in a batch mode request handler.
collect(ReservationGridManager) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.VinHistoryStatCollector
Collect the statistic about a given object.
collect(T) - Method in interface aim4.sim.StatCollector
Collect the statistic about a given object.
compare(BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal, BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal
Compare two indexed proposals
compareTo(BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal
Compare this indexed proposal with a given indexed proposal
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
computeChecksum(byte[]) - Static method in class aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader
Compute the check sum for an array of bytes.
concatenate(List<String>, String) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Concatenate a list of strings.
concatenate(String[], String) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Concatenate an array of strings.
Condor - Class in aim4.config
A utility class for using with Condor.
CONDOR_FILE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class aim4.config.Condor
The common file suffix for condor jobs.
CONDOR_ID - Static variable in class aim4.config.Condor
The ID of the current Condor process.
CONDOR_NUM - Static variable in class aim4.config.Condor
The total number of Condor processes.
condorDo() - Static method in class aim4.config.Condor
The condorDo construct returns true if and only if its internal counter is equal to the Condor ID of the current process.
condorDoReset() - Static method in class aim4.config.Condor
Reset the internal counter of the condorDo construct.
config - Variable in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
The configuration of this reservation grid manager.
Confirm - Class in aim4.msg.i2v
Message sent from an Intersection Manager to a Vehicle to confirm a reservation request.
Confirm(int, int, int, int, double, double, double, double, int, int, double, Queue<double[]>) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
Create a confirm message.
ConsolePanel - Class in aim4.gui.statuspanel
The Console Panel
ConsolePanel() - Constructor for class aim4.gui.statuspanel.ConsolePanel
Create an console panel.
Constants - Class in aim4.config
A class to hold constants for the simulator.
Constants() - Constructor for class aim4.config.Constants
Constants.CardinalDirection - Enum in aim4.config
The four cardinal directions: north, east, south, and west.
Constants.LightStatus - Enum in aim4.config
The three possible states of a traffic light: green, yellow, and red.
Constants.TurnDirection - Enum in aim4.config
A direction to turn at an intersection.
constrain(double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Constrain a double value between a lower and upper bound.
contains(VehicleSimView) - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Determine whether the given Vehicle is currently entirely contained within the Area governed by this IntersectionManager.
contains(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Whether or not the provided point can be considered "in" this Lane.
contains(Point2D) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Whether or not the provided point can be considered "in" this Lane.
contains(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Whether or not the provided point can be considered "in" this Lane.
convertArcIntoFan(Arc2D, double) - Method in class aim4.util.GeomUtil
Convert an arc into a fan (i.e., an arc-shape shape with width)
convertLineIntoRectangle(Line2D, double) - Method in class aim4.util.GeomUtil
Convert a line into a rectangle
convertPointsToShape(Point2D[]) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomUtil
Construct a shape out of a set of corner points.
Coordinator - Interface in aim4.driver.coordinator
An agent that controls the coordination of an auto vehicle driver view with other Vehicles and with intersection managers.
CrashTestDummy - Class in aim4.driver
A driver agent that only steers and changes lanes when appropriate.
CrashTestDummy(AutoVehicleDriverView, Lane, Lane) - Constructor for class aim4.driver.CrashTestDummy
Construct a new CrashTestDummy to pilot the simulated vehicle across an intersection.
crossProduct(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Compute the cross product of two 2D vectors.
cruise() - Method in class aim4.driver.pilot.BasicPilot
Maintain a cruising speed.
currentLane - Variable in class aim4.driver.Driver
The Lane that the driver is currently following.
currentlyOccupiedLanes - Variable in class aim4.driver.Driver
The set of Lanes that the vehicle is currently occupied
currentMap - Static variable in class aim4.config.Debug
A global variable referring to the global map.
currentTime - Variable in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
the current time of the intersection manager
currentTime - Variable in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
The current time
CYCLES_PER_SECOND - Static variable in class aim4.config.SimConfig
The number of cycles per second (50.0) at which the simulator runs.


DataCollectionLine - Class in aim4.map
The data collection line.
DataCollectionLine(String, int, Point2D, Point2D, boolean) - Constructor for class aim4.map.DataCollectionLine
Create a data collection line.
Debug - Class in aim4.config
The configuration for debugging purposes.
DebugPoint - Class in aim4.config
A structure to hold information regarding debugging display information.
DebugPoint(Point2D) - Constructor for class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Class constructor for only a point with no line.
DebugPoint(String) - Constructor for class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Class constructor for text only.
DebugPoint(Point2D, Point2D) - Constructor for class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Class constructor for a point with a line.
DebugPoint(Point2D, String) - Constructor for class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Class constructor for a point with text.
DebugPoint(Point2D, String, Color) - Constructor for class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Class constructor for a colored point with text.
DebugPoint(Point2D, Point2D, String) - Constructor for class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Class constructor for a line with text.
DebugPoint(Point2D, Point2D, Color) - Constructor for class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Class constructor for a colored line.
DebugPoint(Point2D, Point2D, String, Color) - Constructor for class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Class constructor for a colored line with text.
DEFAULT_LEAD_TIME - Static variable in class aim4.driver.DriverUtil
The default amount of lead time for lane following, in seconds.
DEFAULT_PROCESSING_INTERVAL - Static variable in class aim4.im.v2i.batch.RoadBasedReordering
The time period between the processing times.
DEFAULT_SIM_SPEED - Static variable in class aim4.gui.Viewer
The number of simulation seconds per GUI second.
DEFAULT_STOP_DISTANCE_BEFORE_INTERSECTION - Static variable in class aim4.driver.pilot.V2IPilot
The default shortest distance before an intersection at which the vehicle stops if the vehicle can't enter the intersection immediately.
DEFAULT_TARGET_FRAME_RATE - Static variable in class aim4.gui.Viewer
The number of screen updates per GUI second.
DEFAULT_TIME_WINDOW_BEFORE_LAST_EXIT_VEHICLE - Static variable in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxStopSignRequestHandler
The time window before the last vehicle inside the intersection leaving the intersection such that other vehicles can consider entering the intersection.
DEFAULT_TRANSMISSION_POWER - Static variable in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
The default distance the Vehicle can transmit messages.
departureLaneId - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyRequest
The departure lane ID
DestinationSelector - Interface in aim4.map.destination
The destination selector.
distanceAlongLane(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the distance along the Lane from the start of the Lane to the Point in the center of the Lane nearest the given Point.
distanceAlongLane(Point2D) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the distance along the Lane from the start of the Lane to the Point in the center of the Lane nearest the given Point.
distanceAlongLane(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the distance along the Lane from the start of the Lane to the Point in the center of the Lane nearest the given Point.
distanceBetween - Variable in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
The distance between intersection
distanceFromPrevIntersection() - Method in class aim4.driver.AutoDriver
Find the distance from the previous intersection in the Lane in which the Vehicle is, from the position at which the Vehicle is.
distanceFromPrevIntersection() - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverCoordinatorView
Find the distance from the previous intersection in the Lane in which the Vehicle is, from the position at which the Vehicle is.
distanceFromPrevIntersection() - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Find the distance from the previous intersection in the Lane in which the Vehicle is, from the position at which the Vehicle is.
distanceFromPrevIntersection(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Find the distance from a point, projected onto the Lane, to the previous intersection that a vehicle at that position on the Lane would have encountered.
distanceToCarInFront(AutoVehicleDriverView) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleUtil
Calculate the distance to the Vehicle in front of this one, in meters.
distanceToChangeBetween(double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleUtil
Calculate how much distance the Vehicle will cover while changing velocity.
distanceToChangeBetween(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleUtil
Calculate how much distance the Vehicle will cover while changing velocity.
distanceToFirstIntersection() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Get the distance from the start of this Lane to the first IntersectionManager that this Lane, or any Lane it leads into intersects.
distanceToNextIntersection() - Method in class aim4.driver.AutoDriver
Find the distance to the next intersection in the Lane in which the Vehicle is, from the position at which the Vehicle is.
distanceToNextIntersection() - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverCoordinatorView
Find the distance to the next intersection in the Lane in which the Vehicle is, from the position at which the Vehicle is.
distanceToNextIntersection() - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverPilotView
Find the distance to the next intersection in the Lane in which the Vehicle is, from the position at which the Vehicle is.
distanceToNextIntersection() - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Find the distance to the next intersection in the Lane in which the Vehicle is, from the position at which the Vehicle is.
distanceToNextIntersection(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Find the distance to the next IntersectionManager a vehicle at the given position will encounter.
distanceToNextIntersectionManager(IntersectionManager) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Get the distance from the given IntersectionManager to the next one that that this Lane, or any Lane it leads into enters.
Done - Class in aim4.msg.v2i
Message sent from a Vehicle to an Intersection Manager to inform it that it has completed its reservation.
Done(int, int, int) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.Done
Basic class constructor with all required fields.
dotProduct(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Compute the dot product of two 2D vectors.
DOUBLE_EQUAL_PRECISION - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
The precision with which two double values are considered equal.
DOUBLE_EQUAL_WEAK_PRECISION - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
The precision with which two double values are considered equal.
DOUBLE_SIZE - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
The size, in bits, of a double-precision floating point number on our theoretical platform.
DoubleGauge - Class in aim4.noise
A gauge that holds doubles.
DoubleGauge() - Constructor for class aim4.noise.DoubleGauge
Class constructor for unlimited, uninitialized, noiseless gauge.
DoubleGauge(NoiseFunction) - Constructor for class aim4.noise.DoubleGauge
Class constructor for unlimited, uninitialized gauge with noise.
DoubleGauge(double) - Constructor for class aim4.noise.DoubleGauge
Class constructor for unlimited, noiseless gauge with initial value.
DoubleGauge(double, NoiseFunction) - Constructor for class aim4.noise.DoubleGauge
Class constructor for unlimited, initialized gauge with noise.
DoubleGauge(double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.noise.DoubleGauge
Class constructor for limited, initialized, noiseless gauge.
DoubleGauge(double, double, double, NoiseFunction) - Constructor for class aim4.noise.DoubleGauge
Class Constructor for limited, initialized, noisy gauge.
Driver - Class in aim4.driver
An agent that drives a AutoVehicleDriverView.
Driver() - Constructor for class aim4.driver.Driver
DriverSimView - Interface in aim4.driver
A driver from simulators' viewpoint.
DriverUtil - Class in aim4.driver
A utility class for drivers.
DummyManager - Class in aim4.im
An dummy interaction manager
DummyManager(Intersection, TrackModel, double, Registry<IntersectionManager>) - Constructor for class aim4.im.DummyManager
Create a dummy manager.


ENUM_SIZE - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
The size, in bits, of an enumerated data type on our theoretical platform.
equals(BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal
Whether or not this indexed proposal is equal to the given indexed proposal.
equals(ReservationArray.TimeTile) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray.TimeTile
Check whether this time-tile is equal to the given time-tile.
estimate(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.VelocityFirstArrivalEstimation
Compute the acceleration schedule and the arrival parameters at the intersection.
EXPANSION_DISTANCE - Static variable in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
The distance outside of the strict intersection that the IntersectionManager will control, in meters.
ExtendedBasePolicyCallback - Interface in aim4.im.v2i.policy
An extension to the base policy's callback interface.


FCFSRequestHandler - Class in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The "First Come, First Served" request handler.
FCFSRequestHandler() - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.FCFSRequestHandler
filledArea(Shape) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Find the Area corresponding to the provided Shape with all holes filled in.
finalize() - Method in class aim4.sim.UdpListener
Finalize the class by closing the datagram sockets and delete the proxy vehicles.
finalize() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
finalizeClaimParameters() - Method in class aim4.driver.AutoV2VDriver
Inform the driver agent that the Claim it is currently holding has stood up for the required amount of time and can be used to cross the intersection.
findLineLineIntersection(Line2D, Line2D) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Compute the intersection of two lines.
findLineLineIntersection(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Compute the intersection of two lines defined by two points each.
findLineLineIntersection(Point2D, double, Point2D, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Compute the intersection of two lines defined by two points each.
findOccupiedTiles(Shape) - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea
Get the list of tiles that are occupied by the given Shape.
findReserveParam(Request, List<Request.Proposal>) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Compute the reservation parameter given the request message and a set of proposals.
findReserveParam(Request, List<Request.Proposal>) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicyCallback
Compute the reservation parameter given the request message and a set of proposals.
firstIntersectionManager() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Get the first IntersectionManager that this Lane, or any Lane it leads into enters.
followAccelerationProfile(V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter) - Method in class aim4.driver.pilot.V2IPilot
Follow the acceleration profile received as part of a reservation confirmation from an IntersectionManager.
followCurrentLane() - Method in class aim4.driver.pilot.BasicPilot
Turn the wheel to follow the current lane, using the DEFAULT_LEAD_TIME.
followNewLane() - Method in class aim4.driver.pilot.BasicPilot
Turn the wheel to shift to the target lane of the vehicle.
FONT - Static variable in class aim4.gui.component.FormattedLabel
The font in which to display this information.
FormattedLabel - Class in aim4.gui.component
A specialized label that formats an update value according to a format string given on construction.
FormattedLabel(String, String, int) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.component.FormattedLabel
Construct a new FormattedLabel with the given prefix string, format string, and width.


gaugeCornerPoints() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the current global coordinates of the corners of this Vehicle, according to the Vehicle's gauges.
gaugeHeading() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get this Vehicle's compass gauge's reading.
gaugeHeading() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get this Vehicle's compass gauge's reading.
gaugePointAtMiddleFront(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the point in front of the middle point of the vehicle that is at the distance of delta away from the vehicle, according to the gauges.
gaugePointAtMiddleFront(double) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get the point in front of the middle point of the vehicle that is at the distance of delta away from the vehicle, according to the gauges.
gaugePointAtRear() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the point at the rear center of the vehicle, according to our gauges
gaugePointAtRear() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get the point at the rear center of the vehicle, according to our gauges
gaugePointBetweenFrontWheels() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the point between the front wheels, according to our gauges.
gaugePointBetweenFrontWheels() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get the point between the front wheels, according to our gauges.
gaugePosition() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the current position of this Vehicle, represented by the point at the center of the front of the Vehicle, according to the Vehicle's gauges.
gaugePosition() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get the current position of this Vehicle, represented by the point at the center of the front of the Vehicle, according to the Vehicle's gauges.
gaugeRearLeftCornerPoint() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the current global coordinate of the rear-left corner of this Vehicle, according to the Vehicle's gauges.
gaugeRearLeftCornerPoint() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get the current global coordinate of the rear-left corner of this Vehicle, according to the Vehicle's gauges.
gaugeRearRightCornerPoint() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the current global coordinate of the rear-right corner of this Vehicle, according to the Vehicle's gauges.
gaugeRearRightCornerPoint() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get the current global coordinate of the rear-right corner of this Vehicle, according to the Vehicle's gauges.
gaugeShape() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get a Shape describing the Vehicle, according to the Vehicle's gauges.
gaugeShape() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get a Shape describing the Vehicle, according to the Vehicle's gauges.
gaugeTime() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Read this Vehicle's clock (chronometer).
gaugeTime() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Read this Vehicle's clock (chronometer).
gaugeVelocity() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get this Vehicle's speedometer gauge's reading.
gaugeVelocity() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get this Vehicle's speedometer gauge's reading.
GaussianNoiseFunction - Class in aim4.noise
NoiseFunction that adds Gaussian noise to a value.
GaussianNoiseFunction(double) - Constructor for class aim4.noise.GaussianNoiseFunction
Class constructor.
GeomMath - Class in aim4.util
Class of static utility methods for geometric computation.
GeomMath.IntersectionPoint - Class in aim4.util
A class for storing the result of findLineLineIntersection.
GeomMath.IntersectionPoint(Point2D, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.util.GeomMath.IntersectionPoint
GeomUtil - Class in aim4.util
Utility methods for geometric manipulation.
get(int) - Method in class aim4.util.ArrayListRegistry
get(int) - Method in class aim4.util.HashMapRegistry
get(int) - Method in interface aim4.util.Registry
Retrieve an object from the registry.
get(int) - Method in class aim4.util.WeakRefRegistry
getAcceleration() - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint
Get the initial acceleration.
getAcceleration() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelProfile.DurAccel
Get the acceleration.
getAcceleration() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule.TimeAccel
Get the acceleration.
getAcceleration() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement
Get the acceleration.
getAcceleration() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the acceleration of the vehicle
getAcceleration() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MovementWithAccel
Get the acceleration of the vehicle
getAcceleration() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
Get the acceleration of the vehicle
getAcceleration() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get the acceleration of the vehicle
getAccelerationProfile() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter
Get the list of acceleration/duration pairs that describe the required velocity profile of the driver agent's Vehicle as it crosses the intersection in accordance with its current reservation.
getAccelerationProfile() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Plan
Get the acceleration profile.
getAccelerationProfile() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
Get a run-length encoded list of acceleration/duration pairs to be executed by the vehicle during intersection traversal.
getAccelSchedule() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.ArrivalEstimationResult
Get the acceleration schedule.
getAccelSchedule() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement
Get the acceleration schedule.
getAccelSchedule() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the acceleration profile.
getAccelSchedule() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get the acceleration profile.
getActiveRoads(int) - Method in class aim4.config.TrafficSignalPhase
Get the list of the names of the roads that are active in the phase.
getActiveVehicle(int) - Method in class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator
Get a particular active vehicle via a given VIN.
getActiveVehicle(int) - Method in interface aim4.sim.Simulator
Get a particular active vehicle via a given VIN.
getActiveVehicles() - Method in class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator
Get the set of all active vehicles in the simulation.
getActiveVehicles() - Method in interface aim4.sim.Simulator
Get the set of all active vehicles in the simulation.
getACZ(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Get the Admission Control Zone of a given lane.
getACZ(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Get the Admission Control Zone of a given lane.
getACZ(int) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.V2IManagerCallback
Get the Admission Control Zone of a given lane.
getACZDistance() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter
Get the distance past the intersection which is controlled by the Admission Control Zone after the intersection for the reservation this driver agent is holding.
getACZDistance() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
Get the distance the Admission Control Zone extends past the intersection for this reservation.
getAczLaneId() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ReservationRecord
Get the ACZ lane ID.
getAczManager() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ReserveParam
Get the ACZ manager
getAczManager(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Get the manager of an ACZ
getAczManager(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Get the manager of an ACZ
getAczManager(int) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.V2IManagerCallback
Get the manager of an ACZ
getAczPlan() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ReserveParam
Get the ACZ reservation plan
getAllVIN() - Method in class aim4.map.DataCollectionLine
Get the VINs of all vehicles.
getArea() - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the Area controlled by this IntersectionManager.
getArea() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the Area controlled by this intersection manager.
getArea() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea
Get the area controlled by this tiled area
getAreaPlus() - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the area slightly larger than the area controlled by this IntersectionManager.
getAreaPlus() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the area slightly larger than the area controlled by this intersection manager.
getArrivalLane() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter
Get the Lane in which this driver agent's Vehicle should arrive to comply with the reservation this driver agent is holding.
getArrivalLaneId() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Query
Get the arrival lane ID.
getArrivalLaneID() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
Get the ID number of the lane in which the vehicle should arrive at the intersection.
getArrivalLaneID() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.Proposal
Get the lane ID number for the Lane in which the vehicle would like to arrive at the intersection.
getArrivalTime() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.ArrivalEstimationResult
Get the arrival time.
getArrivalTime() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter
Get the arrival time of the reservation this driver agent is holding.
getArrivalTime() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager.Query
Get the arrival time.
getArrivalTime() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Query
Get the arrival time.
getArrivalTime() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
Get the time at which the receiving vehicle should arrive at the intersection.
getArrivalTime() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.Proposal
Get the time at which the vehicle wants to arrive at the intersection.
getArrivalVelocity() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.ArrivalEstimationResult
Get the arrival velocity.
getArrivalVelocity() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter
Get the arrival velocity, in meters per second, of the reservation this driver agent is holding.
getArrivalVelocity() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager.Query
Get the arrival velocity.
getArrivalVelocity() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Query
Get the arrival velocity.
getArrivalVelocity() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
Get the velocity at which the vehicle should arrive at the intersection.
getArrivalVelocity() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.Proposal
Get the velocity at which the vehicle wants to arrive at the intersection.
getAvgBitsReceivedByCompletedVehicles() - Method in class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator
Get average number of bits received by completed vehicles.
getAvgBitsReceivedByCompletedVehicles() - Method in interface aim4.sim.Simulator
Get average number of bits received by completed vehicles.
getAvgBitsTransmittedByCompletedVehicles() - Method in class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator
Get average number of bits transmitted by completed vehicles.
getAvgBitsTransmittedByCompletedVehicles() - Method in interface aim4.sim.Simulator
Get average number of bits transmitted by completed vehicles.
getBaseMovement() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement
Get the base movement.
getBatch(double, NavigableSet<BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal>, TrackModel) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.batch.ReorderingStrategy
Select a subset of indexed proposals from the queue and sort them in a particular order such that they will be processed in that order.
getBatch(double, NavigableSet<BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal>, TrackModel) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.batch.RoadBasedReordering
Select a subset of indexed proposals from the queue and sort them in a particular order such that they will be processed in that order.
getBitsReceived() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Get the number of bits this IntersectionManager has received.
getBitsReceived() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get the number of bits this Vehicle has received.
getBitsReceived() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get the number of bits this Vehicle has received.
getBitsTransmitted() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Get the number of bits this IntersectionManager has transmitted.
getBitsTransmitted() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get the number of bits this Vehicle has transmitted.
getBitsTransmitted() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get the number of bits this Vehicle has transmitted.
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the minimal rectangular region that encloses the intersection.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the minimal rectangular region that encloses the intersection.
getCenterPoint() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the location of the center of the Vehicle at this point in time.
getCenterPoint() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get the location of the center of the Vehicle at this point in time.
getCenterPoint(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the location of the center of the Vehicle at this point in time.
getCentroid() - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the centroid of the IntersectionManager.
getCentroid() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the centroid of the intersection manager.
getChecksum() - Method in class aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader
Get the check sum.
getColor() - Method in class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Get the color of this DebugPoint.
getColor() - Method in enum aim4.im.LightState
Get the Color associated with this LightState.
getColumns() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the number of columns in this grid layout.
getColumns() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Get the number of columns.
getCompletedVINs() - Method in class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator.AutoDriverOnlySimStepResult
Get the list of VINs of completed vehicles.
getConfig() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
Get the configuration.
getCornerPoints() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the current global coordinates of the corners of this Vehicle.
getCornerPoints() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get the current global coordinates of the corners of this Vehicle.
getCornerPoints(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the current global coordinates of the corners of this Vehicle.
getCornerPoints(double, Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the current global coordinates of the corners of the Vehicle, assuming it is larger in each dimension by a fixed amount.
getCurrentCoordinator() - Method in class aim4.driver.AutoDriver
Get the current coordinator of the vehicle.
getCurrentIM() - Method in class aim4.driver.AutoDriver
Get the IntersectionManager with which the agent is currently interacting.
getCurrentIM() - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverCoordinatorView
Get the IntersectionManager with which the agent is currently interacting.
getCurrentIM() - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverPilotView
Get the IntersectionManager with which the agent is currently interacting.
getCurrentLane() - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverCoordinatorView
Get the Lane the DriverAgent is currently following.
getCurrentLane() - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverPilotView
Get the Lane the DriverAgent is currently following.
getCurrentLane() - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Get the Lane the DriverAgent is currently following.
getCurrentLane() - Method in interface aim4.driver.DriverSimView
Get the Lane the driver is currently following.
getCurrentlyOccupiedLanes() - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Get the lanes the DriverAgent's vehicle currently occupies.
getCurrentlyOccupiedLanes() - Method in interface aim4.driver.DriverSimView
Get the lanes the driver's vehicle currently occupies.
getCurrentSize() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AdmissionControlZone
Get the current size of the admission control zone.
getCurrentTime() - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Get the current time.
getCurrentTime() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Get the current time
getCurrentTime() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicyCallback
Get the current time
getCurrentTime() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Get the current time
getCurrentTime() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.V2IManagerCallback
Get the current time
getCurrentTime() - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint
Get the current time.
getDataCollectionLines() - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Get the list of data collection line.
getDataCollectionLines() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the list of data collection line.
getDebugShapes() - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Get any shapes to display for debugging purposes.
getDebugShapes() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
Get the rectangles for the ReservationTiles that have a reservation for the current time.
getDebugShapes() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Get any shapes to display for debugging purposes.
getDepartureLane() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter
Get the Lane in which this driver agent's Vehicle should arrive to comply with the reservation this driver agent is holding.
getDepartureLaneId() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Query
Get the departure lane ID.
getDepartureLaneID() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
Get the ID number of the lane in which the vehicle should depart the intersection.
getDepartureLaneID() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.Proposal
Get the ID number for the Lane in which the vehicle would like to depart the intersection.
getDestination() - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverCoordinatorView
Get where this DriverAgent is going.
getDestination() - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Get where this driver is going.
getDestination() - Method in interface aim4.driver.DriverSimView
Get where this driver is going.
getDestination() - Method in class aim4.driver.ProxyDriver
Get where this DriverAgent is going.
getDestinationRoad() - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint.SpawnSpec
Get the destination road.
getDestinationRoads() - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Get the Roads that exit this Layout.
getDestinationRoads() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the Roads that exit this Layout.
getDestRoadFromVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VinRegistry
Get the destination road from the VIN of a vehicle
getDimensions() - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Get the dimensions of this Layout, in Rectangle form.
getDimensions() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the dimensions of this Layout, in Rectangle form.
getDiscreteTime() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray.TimeTile
Get the discrete time.
getDistanceBetween() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Get the distance between intersections.
getDosWithHeader(ByteArrayOutputStream, double, UdpHeader.UdpMessageType) - Static method in class aim4.msg.udp.Proxy2RealAdapter
Builds a header for the type of this message, and writes it to a new DataOutputStream wrapped around a given ByteArrayOutputStream
getDriver() - Method in class aim4.driver.pilot.BasicPilot
Get the driver this pilot controls.
getDriver() - Method in class aim4.driver.pilot.V2IPilot
Get the driver this pilot controls.
getDriver() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Getter method for the Driver controlling this Vehicle.
getDriver() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Getter method for the Driver controlling this Vehicle.
getDriver() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Getter method for the Driver controlling this Vehicle.
getDriver() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicle
Getter method for the Driver controlling this Vehicle.
getDriver() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicleSimView
Getter method for the Driver controlling this Vehicle.
getDriver() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Getter method for the Driver controlling this Vehicle.
getDual() - Method in class aim4.map.Road
Get the Road that follows this Road in the opposite direction.
getDurAccelList() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelProfile
Get the list of the acceleration-duration pairs.
getDuration() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelProfile.DurAccel
Get the duration.
getEarlyError() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter
Get the maximum amount of time, in seconds, before the official arrival time that the driver agent's vehicle can arrive at the intersection, for the current reservation the driver agent is holding.
getEarlyError() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
Get the maximum amount of time before the arrival time that the receiving vehicle can safely arrive at the intersection.
getEdges() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the list of edges.
getEdges() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the edges that represent the boundaries of this Vehicle.
getEdges() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get the edges that represent the boundaries of this Vehicle.
getEdgeTileTimeBufferSize() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Config
Get the edge buffer size.
getEndPoint() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the ending point of the Lane.
getEndPoint() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the ending point of the Lane.
getEndPoint() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the ending point of the Lane.
getEndWayPoint() - Method in class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack
Get the ending waypoint of the track segment.
getEndWayPoint() - Method in class aim4.map.track.LineTrack
Get the ending waypoint of the track segment.
getEndWayPoint() - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack
Get the ending waypoint of the track segment.
getEndWayPoint() - Method in interface aim4.map.track.Track
Get the ending waypoint of the track segment.
getEntryHeading(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the heading at which the given Lane enters the intersection.
getEntryHeading(Lane) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the heading at which the given lane enters the intersection.
getEntryLanes() - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the Lanes that enter the space governed by this IntersectionManager.
getEntryLanes() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the Lanes that enter the space governed by this intersection manager.
getEntryPoint(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the Point at which the given Lane enters the intersection.
getEntryPoint(Lane) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the Point at which the given Lane enters the intersection.
getEntryRoads() - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the Roads that enter the space governed by this IntersectionManager.
getEntryRoads() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the Roads that enter the space governed by this intersection manager.
getExitHeading(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the heading at which the given Lane exits the intersection.
getExitHeading(Lane) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the heading at which the given Lane exits the intersection.
getExitLanes() - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the Lanes that exit the space governed by this IntersectionManager.
getExitLanes() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the Lanes that exit the space governed by this intersection manager.
getExitPoint(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the Point at which the given Lane exits the intersection.
getExitPoint(Lane) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the Point at which the given Lane exits the intersection.
getExitRoads() - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the Roads that exit the space governed by this IntersectionManager.
getExitRoads() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the Roads that exit the space governed by this intersection manager.
getExitTime() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Plan
Get the exit time.
getExitVelocity() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Plan
Get the exit velocity.
getFrontAxleDisplacement() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
getFrontAxleDisplacement() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the front axle displacement.
getFrontVehicleDistanceSensor() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the distance, in meters, between p1 and p2, both of them are points on the target lane, where p1 is the point projected from the center of the front of the vehicle, and p2 is the nearest point of another vehicle in the front of the vehicle to p1 on the target lane.
getFrontVehicleDistanceSensor() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the distance, in meters, between p1 and p2, both of them are points on the target lane, where p1 is the point projected from the center of the front of the vehicle, and p2 is the nearest point of another vehicle in the front of the vehicle to p1 on the target lane.
getFrontVehicleSpeedSensor() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the speed, in meters per second, of the vehicle in front of the vehicle on the target lane.
getFrontVehicleSpeedSensor() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the speed, in meters per second, of the vehicle in front of the vehicle on the target lane.
getGranularity() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Config
Get the granularity of the tile.
getGreenDurations(int) - Method in class aim4.config.TrafficSignalPhase
Get the duration of the green signals.
getGreenLightDuration() - Method in class aim4.gui.parampanel.TrafficSignalParamPanel
Get the green light duration.
getGridPlan() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ReserveParam
Get the reservation plan
getGridTimeStep() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the time step.
getGridTimeStep() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Config
Get the grid time step.
getHalfLength() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get half of the length of the vehicle.
getHalfWidth() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get half of the width of the vehicle.
getHeading() - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint
Get the initial heading.
getHeading() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement
Get the heading of the vehicle
getHeading() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the heading of the vehicle
getHeading() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.Movement
Get the heading of the vehicle
getHeading() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement
Get the heading of the vehicle
getHeading() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
Get the heading of the vehicle
getHeading() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get the heading of the vehicle
getHeadingAtNormalizedDistance(double) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the heading of the Lane at a particular normalized distance from the start of the Lane.
getHeadingAtNormalizedDistance(double) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the heading of the Lane at a particular normalized distance from the start of the Lane.
getHeadingAtNormalizedDistance(double) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the heading of the Lane at a particular normalized distance from the start of the Lane.
getHorizontalRoads() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the set of horizontal roads.
getHorizontalSpawnPoints() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the list of horizontal spawn points.
getId() - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Get the unique ID number of this IntersectionManager.
getId() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Get the id of the intersection manager.
getId() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.V2IManagerCallback
Get the id of the intersection manager.
getId() - Method in class aim4.map.DataCollectionLine
Get the ID of the line.
getId() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the unique ID number of this Lane.
getId() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the unique ID number of this Lane.
getId() - Method in class aim4.map.track.WayPoint
Get the ID of the waypoint
getId() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea.Tile
Get the id of this tile
getIdByName(String) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpecDatabase
Get the id of the vehicle specification.
getIdOfVehicleSpec(VehicleSpec) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpecDatabase
Get the id of the vehicle specification.
getImId() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
Get the ID number of the Intersection Manager sending this message.
getImId() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.V2IMessage
Get the ID number of the Intersection Manager to which this message is being sent.
getImRegistry() - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Get the intersection manager registry.
getImRegistry() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the intersection manager registry.
getIndexLane() - Method in class aim4.map.Road
Get the leftmost Lane in this Road.
getInitialHeading() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the heading of this Lane at its starting point.
getInitialHeading() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the heading of this Lane at its starting point.
getInitialHeading() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the heading of this Lane at its starting point.
getInternalTileTimeBufferSize() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Config
Get the internal time buffer size.
getIntersection() - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Get the intersection managed by this intersection manager.
getIntersection() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedTrackModel
Get the intersection managed by this track model
getIntersection() - Method in interface aim4.im.TrackModel
Get the intersection managed by this track model
getIntersection() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Get the intersection managed by this intersection manager.
getIntersection() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.V2IManagerCallback
Get the intersection managed by this intersection manager.
getIntersectionManagers() - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Get the IntersectionManagers that are part of this Layout.
getIntersectionManagers() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the IntersectionManagers that are part of this Layout.
getIntervalometer() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get this Vehicle's interval-to-vehicle-in-front gauge.
getIntervalometer() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get this Vehicle's interval-to-vehicle-in-front gauge.
getIntervalometer() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.HumanDrivenVehicleDriverView
Get this Vehicle's interval-to-vehicle-in-front gauge.
getIsDebugging() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator
Whether the coordinator is in a debug mode
getIsEdgeTileTimeBufferEnabled() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Config
Get whether the edge buffer is enabled.
getLane() - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint
Get the lane.
getLaneIM() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the LaneIM object that helps to locate the intersection managers on a lane.
getLaneIM() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the LaneIM object that helps to locate the intersection managers on a lane.
getLaneRegistry() - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Get the lane registry.
getLaneRegistry() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the lane registry.
getLanes() - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the Lanes incident to the space governed by this intersection.
getLanes() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the Lanes incident to the space governed by this intersection.
getLanes() - Method in class aim4.map.Road
Get the Lanes that make up this Road, in order from left to right.
getLanesPerRoad() - Method in class aim4.gui.parampanel.AutoDriverOnlyParamPanel
Get the number of lanes per road.
getLanesPerRoad() - Method in class aim4.gui.parampanel.TrafficSignalParamPanel
Get the number of lanes per road.
getLanesPerRoad() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Get the number of lanes per road.
getLaneWidth() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Get the width of lanes.
getLastReservedDiscreteTime() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Get the last time at which any time-tile has been reserved.
getLastReservedDiscreteTime(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Get the last discrete time of a particular reservation ID.
getLastReservedTime() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the last time at which any time-tile has been reserved.
getLastV2IMessage() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get the last V2I message
getLastV2IMessage() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get the last V2I message
getLateError() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter
Get the maximum amount of time, in seconds, after the official arrival time that the driver agent's vehicle can arrive at the intersection, for the current reservation the driver agent is holding.
getLateError() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
Get the maximum amount of time after the arrival time that the receiving vehicle can safely arrive at the intersection.
getLeadDistance(VehicleDriverView) - Static method in class aim4.driver.DriverUtil
Get the estimated lead distance, which is roughly equal to the speed of the vehicle times the default lead time.
getLeadPoint(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get a point further down the Lane from the nearest point to the given position.
getLeadPoint(Point2D, double) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get a point further down the Lane from the nearest point to the given position.
getLeadPoint(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
/** Get a point further down the Lane from the nearest point to the given position.
getLeftNeighbor() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the left neighbor of this Lane.
getLeftNeighbor() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the left neighbor of this Lane.
getLeftTurnRoad(Road) - Method in class aim4.map.TrafficVolume
Get the left turn volume of a road.
getLeftTurnVolume(int) - Method in class aim4.map.TrafficVolume
Get the left turn volume of a lane.
getLength() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager.Plan
Get the length of the vehicle.
getLength() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the length of this Lane.
getLength() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the length of this Lane.
getLength() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the length of this Lane.
getLength() - Method in class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack
Get the length of the track.
getLength() - Method in class aim4.map.track.LineTrack
Get the length of the track.
getLength() - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack
Get the length of the track.
getLength() - Method in interface aim4.map.track.Track
Get the length of the track.
getLength() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
getLength() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the length of the vehicle.
getLightState() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.HumanDrivenVehicleDriverView
Get the state of the traffic light of the current lane at the upcoming intersection.
getList() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule
Get the list of time-acceleration pairs.
getLongTermDebugPoints() - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Get the long-term debugging points.
getLRFAngle() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get this Vehicle's laser range finder angle gauge.
getLRFDistance() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get this Vehicle's laser range finder distance gauge.
getLRFDistance() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get this Vehicle's laser range finder distance gauge.
getLRFMode() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get the Vehicle's laser range finder operating mode.
getLRFMode() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get the Vehicle's laser range finder operating mode.
getManager(int, int) - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the intersection manager of a particular intersection.
getMap() - Method in class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator
Get the layout of the simulation.
getMap() - Method in interface aim4.sim.Simulator
Get the layout of the simulation.
getMapPosition(int, int) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
Convert the position on screen to the position on the map.
getMaxAcceleration() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
getMaxAcceleration() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the maximum acceleration.
getMaxDeceleration() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
getMaxDeceleration() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the maximum deceleration.
getMaximumConnectedSpeedLimit() - Method in class aim4.map.Road
Get the maximum speed limit of any connected road.
getMaximumSpeedLimit() - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Get the maximum speed limit of any Road in the Layout.
getMaximumSpeedLimit() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the maximum speed limit of any Road in the Layout.
getMaximumTurnVelocity() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.Proposal
Get the requesting vehicle's maximum velocity for this pair of arrival and departure lanes.
getMaxSize() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AdmissionControlZone
Get the maximum length's worth of vehicles allowed in this admission control zone at one time.
getMaxSteeringAngle() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
getMaxSteeringAngle() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the maximum steering angle.
getMaxTurnPerCycle() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the maximum turn per cycle.
getMaxTurnPerSecond() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
getMaxTurnPerSecond() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the maximum turn per second.
getMaxTurnVelocity() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Query
Get the maximum turn velocity.
getMaxVelocity() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the maximum velocity.
getMedianSize() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Get the width of the area between the opposite directions of a road.
getMessageType() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
Get the type of this message.
getMessageType() - Method in class aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader
Get the message type.
getMessageType() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.V2IMessage
Get the type of this message.
getMinVelocity() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
getMinVelocity() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the minimum velocity.
getName() - Method in class aim4.map.DataCollectionLine
Get the name of the line.
getName() - Method in class aim4.map.Road
Get the name of this Road.
getName() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the name of this vehicle specification
getNewId() - Method in class aim4.util.ArrayListRegistry
getNewId() - Method in class aim4.util.HashMapRegistry
getNewId() - Method in interface aim4.util.Registry
Get a new unused ID.
getNewId() - Method in class aim4.util.WeakRefRegistry
getNextAllowedCommunication() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Reject
Get the time after which communication will again be accepted by the IntersectionManager.
getNextLane() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the Lane into which this Lane leads, or null if none.
getNextLane() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the Lane into which this Lane leads, or null if none.
getNextProcessingTime() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.batch.ReorderingStrategy
Get the next processing time for the next batch.
getNextProcessingTime() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.batch.RoadBasedReordering
Get the next processing time for the next batch.
getNextProposalDeadline() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.batch.ReorderingStrategy
Get the next proposal deadline for the next batch.
getNextProposalDeadline() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.batch.RoadBasedReordering
Get the next proposal deadline for the next batch.
getNonAccelMovement() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
Get the non acceleration movement.
getNoVehicleZone() - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint
Get the no vehicle zone.
getNumberOfTiles() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Get the number of tiles
getNumberOfTiles() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea
Get the total number of tiles
getNumCompletedVehicles() - Method in class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator
Get the number of vehicles that has reached their destinations.
getNumCompletedVehicles() - Method in interface aim4.sim.Simulator
Get the number of vehicles that has reached their destinations.
getNumOfColumns() - Method in class aim4.gui.parampanel.AutoDriverOnlyParamPanel
Get the number of columns.
getNumOfRows() - Method in class aim4.gui.parampanel.AutoDriverOnlyParamPanel
Get the number of rows.
getNumOfSpec() - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpecDatabase
Get the total number of vehicle specifications in the database
getPhaseNum() - Method in class aim4.config.TrafficSignalPhase
Get the number of phases.
getPoint() - Method in class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Get the point associated with this DebugPoint.
getPoint() - Method in class aim4.util.GeomMath.IntersectionPoint
getPointAtMiddleFront(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the point in front of the middle point of the vehicle that is at the distance of delta away from the vehicle.
getPointAtMiddleFront(double) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get the point in front of the middle point of the vehicle that is at the distance of delta away from the vehicle.
getPointAtNormalizedDistance(double) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get a point in the center of the lane at a particular normalized distance from the start of the Lane.
getPointAtNormalizedDistance(double) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get a point in the center of the lane at a particular normalized distance from the start of the Lane.
getPointAtNormalizedDistance(double) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get a point in the center of the lane at a particular normalized distance from the start of the Lane.
getPointAtRear() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the point at the rear center of the Vehicle.
getPointAtRear() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get the point at the rear center of the Vehicle.
getPointAtRear(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the point at the rear center of the Vehicle.
getPointBetweenAllWheels(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the point between all the wheels.
getPointBetweenFrontWheels(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the point between the front wheels.
getPointBetweenRearWheels(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the point between the rear wheels.
getPointLeftSideFrontAxle(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the point on the left side of the Vehicle, aligned with the front axle.
getPointRightSideFrontAxle(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the point on the right side of the Vehicle, aligned with the front axle.
getPolicy() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Get the policy.
getPosition() - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint
Get the initial position.
getPosition(double) - Method in class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack
Get the position on the track that is a given distance from the starting waypoint.
getPosition(double) - Method in class aim4.map.track.LineTrack
Get the position on the track that is a given distance from the starting waypoint.
getPosition(double) - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack
Get the position on the track that is a given distance from the starting waypoint.
getPosition(double) - Method in interface aim4.map.track.Track
Get the position on the track that is a given distance from the starting waypoint.
getPosition() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement
Get the position of the vehicle.
getPosition() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the position of the vehicle.
getPosition() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.Movement
Get the position of the vehicle.
getPosition() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement
Get the position of the vehicle.
getPosition() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
Get the position of the vehicle.
getPosition() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get the position of the vehicle.
getPrevLane() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the Lane which leads into this Lane, or null if none.
getPrevLane() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the Lane which leads into this Lane, or null if none.
getProposal() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal
Get the proposal.
getProposalGroup() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal
Get the reference to the group of proposals of the request message in to which the proposal belongs.
getProposals() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ProposalFilterResult
Get the proposals.
getProposals() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request
Get the List of Proposals in this request.
getRadius() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the radius.
getRearAxleDisplacement() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
getRearAxleDisplacement() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the rear axle displacement.
getRearLeftCornerPoint(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the current global coordinate of the rear-left corner of this Vehicle.
getRearRightCornerPoint(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the current global coordinate of the rear-right corner of this Vehicle.
getRearVehicleDistanceSensor() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the distance, in meters, between p1 and p2, both of them are points on the target lane, where p1 is the point projected from the center of the front of the vehicle, and p2 is the nearest point of another vehicle behind the vehicle to p1 on the target lane.
getRearVehicleDistanceSensor() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the distance, in meters, between p1 and p2, both of them are points on the target lane, where p1 is the point projected from the center of the front of the vehicle, and p2 is the nearest point of another vehicle behind the vehicle to p1 on the target lane.
getRearVehicleSpeedSensor() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the speed, in meters per second, of the vehicle behind the vehicle on the target lane.
getRearVehicleSpeedSensor() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the speed, in meters per second, of the vehicle behind the vehicle on the target lane.
getReason() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ProposalFilterResult
Get the rejection reason.
getReason() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Reject
Get the reason that this Reject message was sent.
getRectangle() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea.Tile
Get the area controlled by this ReservationTile.
getRedDurations(int) - Method in class aim4.config.TrafficSignalPhase
Get the duration of the red signals.
getRequest() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal
Get the request message of this proposal.
getRequestHandler() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Get the request handler.
getRequestId() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
Get the request ID of the request message this confirm message correspond to.
getRequestId() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Reject
Get the request ID of the request message this reject message correspond to.
getRequestId() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request
Get the request ID.
getReservationGrid() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Get the reservation grid.
getReservationGrid() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.policy.ExtendedBasePolicyCallback
Get the reservation grid.
getReservationGrid() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Get the reservation grid.
getReservationGrid() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Get the reservation grid.
getReservationGrid() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.V2IManagerCallback
Get the reservation grid.
getReservationGridManager() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Get the manager of the reservation grid
getReservationGridManager() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Get the manager of the reservation grid
getReservationGridManager() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.V2IManagerCallback
Get the manager of the reservation grid
getReservationId(int, int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Get the reservation ID that reserved the given time-tile.
getReservationId() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
Get the unique ID number for the reservation confirmed by this message.
getReservationID() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Away
Get the ID number of the reservation.
getReservationID() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Cancel
Get the ID number of the reservation this message is intended to cancel.
getReservationID() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Done
Get the ID number of the reservation.
getReservationParameter() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator
Get the confirm message for this driver agent's reservation
getReservedTilesAtTime(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Get the set of all reserved tiles at a given discrete time.
getReservedTilesAtTime(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the set of all reserved tiles at a given discrete time.
getRightNeighbor() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the right neighbor of this Lane.
getRightNeighbor() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the right neighbor of this Lane.
getRightTurnRoad(Road) - Method in class aim4.map.TrafficVolume
Get the right turn volume of a road.
getRightTurnVolume(int) - Method in class aim4.map.TrafficVolume
Get the right turn volume of a lane.
getRoad(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Given a Lane, get the Road of which that Lane is a part.
getRoad(int) - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Given a Lane ID number, get the Road of which that Lane is a part.
getRoad(Lane) - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Given a Lane, get the Road of which that Lane is a part.
getRoad(int) - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Given a Lane ID number, get the Road of which that Lane is a part.
getRoads() - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Get the Roads incident to the space governed by this intersection.
getRoads() - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Get the Roads incident to the space governed by this intersection.
getRoads() - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Get the Roads that are part of this Layout.
getRoads() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the Roads that are part of this Layout.
getRoads(int, int) - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the list of all roads that enter a particular intersection.
getRows() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the number of rows in this grid layout.
getRows() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Get the number of rows.
getSa() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicle
getSa() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicleSimView
getShape() - Method in class aim4.map.DataCollectionLine
Get the shape of the line.
getShape() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get a Shape describing this Lane, including its width.
getShape(double, double) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get a Shape describing an interval of this lane, using normalized distances.
getShape() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get a Shape describing this Lane, including its width.
getShape(double, double) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get a Shape describing an interval of this lane, using normalized distances.
getShape() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get a Shape describing this Lane, including its width.
getShape(double, double) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get a Shape describing an interval of this lane, using normalized distances.
getShape() - Method in class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack
Get the shape of the track segment
getShape() - Method in class aim4.map.track.LineTrack
Get the shape of the track segment
getShape() - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack
Get the shape of the track segment
getShape() - Method in interface aim4.map.track.Track
Get the shape of the track segment
getShape() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get a Shape describing the Vehicle.
getShape(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get a {link Shape} describing this Vehicle, if it were larger in each dimension.
getShape() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get a Shape describing the Vehicle.
getShape(double) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get a {link Shape} describing this Vehicle, if it were larger in each dimension.
getShortTermDebugPoints() - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Get the short-term debugging points
getSignal(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Get the traffic signal of a lane.
getSignal(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler.CyclicSignalController
Get the signal at the given time
getSignal(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Get the traffic signal of a lane.
getSignal(double) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler.SignalController
Get the signal at the given time
getSignal(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Get the traffic signal of a lane.
getSignal(int) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.TrafficSignalRequestHandler
Get the traffic signal of a lane.
getSimSetup() - Method in class aim4.gui.SimSetupPanel
Create and return a simulation setup object.
getSimSpeed() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.SimControlPanel
Get the simulation speed.
getSimSpeed() - Method in class aim4.gui.StatusPanelContainer
Get the simulation speed.
getSimulationTime() - Method in class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator
Get the total amount of simulation time has run.
getSimulationTime() - Method in interface aim4.sim.Simulator
Get the total amount of simulation time has run.
getSimulator() - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
Get the simulator object.
getSimulator() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup
Get the simulator.
getSimulator() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup
Get the simulator.
getSimulator() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalSimSetup
Get the simulator.
getSimulator() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxStopSignSimSetup
Get the simulator.
getSimulator() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup
Get the simulator.
getSimulator() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Get the simulator.
getSimulator() - Method in interface aim4.sim.setup.SimSetup
Get the simulator.
getSize() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
Get the size of this message in bits.
getSize() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.V2IMessage
Get the size of this message in bits.
getSortedDepartureLanes(Lane, Road) - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Given an arrival Lane and a departure Road, get an ordered List of Lanes that represents the Lanes from highest to lowest priority based on distance from the arrival Lane.
getSortedDepartureLanes(Lane, Road) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedTrackModel
Given an arrival Lane and a departure Road, get an ordered List of Lanes that represents the Lanes from highest to lowest priority based on distance from the arrival Lane.
getSortedDepartureLanes(Lane, Road) - Method in interface aim4.im.TrackModel
Given an arrival Lane and a departure Road, get an ordered List of Lanes that represents the Lanes from highest to lowest priority based on distance from the arrival Lane.
getSpawnPoint() - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Get where this DriverAgent is coming from.
getSpawnPoint() - Method in interface aim4.driver.DriverSimView
Get where this driver is coming from.
getSpawnPoint() - Method in class aim4.driver.ProxyDriver
Get where this DriverAgent is coming from.
getSpawnPointFromVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VinRegistry
Get a spawn point from the VIN of a vehicle
getSpawnPoints() - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Get the list of spawn points.
getSpawnPoints() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the list of spawn points.
getSpawnTime() - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint.SpawnSpec
Get the spawn time.
getSpec() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Query
Get the specification of the vehicle for the request message.
getSpec() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request
Get the specification of the vehicle
getSpec() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the specification of the vehicle
getSpec() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get the specification of the vehicle
getSpeedLimit() - Method in class aim4.gui.parampanel.AutoDriverOnlyParamPanel
Get the speed limit.
getSpeedLimit() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the speed limit of this Lane, in meters per second.
getSpeedLimit() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the speed limit of this Lane, in meters per second.
getSpeedLimit() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Get the speed limit of the roads.
getStartPoint() - Method in class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Get the start point associated with this DebugPoint.
getStartPoint() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the starting point of the Lane.
getStartPoint() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the starting point of the Lane.
getStartPoint() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the starting point of the Lane.
getStartWayPoint() - Method in class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack
Get the starting waypoint of the track segment.
getStartWayPoint() - Method in class aim4.map.track.LineTrack
Get the starting waypoint of the track segment.
getStartWayPoint() - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack
Get the starting waypoint of the track segment.
getStartWayPoint() - Method in interface aim4.map.track.Track
Get the starting waypoint of the track segment.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.AllStopPolicy
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.policy.Policy
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.AllStopRequestHandler
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxStopSignRequestHandler
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.FCFSRequestHandler
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.GoStraightRequestHandler
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.RequestHandler
Get the statistic collector.
getStatCollector() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
Get the statistic collector.
getState() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator
Get the current state of the CoordinatingDriverAgent.
getStaticBufferSize() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Config
Get the static buffer size.
getSteeringAngle() - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint
Get the initial steering angle.
getSteeringAngle() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the steering angle of the vehicle
getSteeringAngle() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.SteeringMovement
Get the steering angle.
getStopDist() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager.Plan
Get the stopping distance.
getStopDist() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager.Query
Get the stopping distance.
getStopDistBeforeIntersection() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Get the stopping distance before intersection.
getStopDistToIntersection() - Method in class aim4.gui.parampanel.AutoDriverOnlyParamPanel
Get the stop distance to intersection.
getSubmissionTime() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal
Get the submission time of the request.
getSuccessfulProposal() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ReserveParam
Get the successful proposal
getT1() - Method in class aim4.util.GeomMath.IntersectionPoint
getT2() - Method in class aim4.util.GeomMath.IntersectionPoint
getTangentSlope() - Method in class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack.Position
Get the slope of the tangent at the location.
getTangentSlope() - Method in class aim4.map.track.LineTrack.Position
Get the slope of the tangent at the location.
getTangentSlope() - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack.Position
Get the slope of the tangent at the location.
getTangentSlope() - Method in interface aim4.map.track.TrackPosition
Get the slope of the tangent at the location.
getTargetIMid() - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Get the target intersection manager's ID
getTargetLaneForVehicleTracking() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Return the target lane for vehicle tracking.
getTargetLaneForVehicleTracking() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Return the target lane for vehicle tracking.
getTargetVIN() - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Get the target vehicle's ID
getTerminalHeading() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the heading of this Lane at its ending point.
getTerminalHeading() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the heading of this Lane at its ending point.
getTerminalHeading() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the heading of this Lane at its ending point.
getText() - Method in class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Get the text associated with this DebugPoint.
getThroughVolume(int) - Method in class aim4.map.TrafficVolume
Get the left turn volume of a lane.
getTile(int, int) - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea
Get the tile at the (x,y) location in the grid
getTileById(int) - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea
Get a tile according to its id.
getTiledArea() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
Get the tiled area.
getTileId() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray.TimeTile
Get the tile ID.
getTime() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid.TimeTile
Get the time of this time tile.
getTime() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule.TimeAccel
Get the time.
getTimes(int) - Method in class aim4.map.DataCollectionLine
Get the time a vehicle passing through the line.
getTimestamp() - Method in class aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader
Get the time stamp.
getTimeStep() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Config
Get the time step.
getTotalVolume(int) - Method in class aim4.map.TrafficVolume
Get the total volume of a lane.
getTrackMode() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
getTrackMode() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicyCallback
getTrackModel() - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Get the track model.
getTrackModel() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
getTrackModel() - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.V2IManagerCallback
getTracks() - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack
Get the list of tracks that constitutes this path track.
getTrafficLevel() - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Get the traffic level.
getTrafficRate() - Method in class aim4.gui.parampanel.AutoDriverOnlyParamPanel
Get the traffic rate.
getTrafficRate() - Method in class aim4.gui.parampanel.TrafficSignalParamPanel
Get the traffic rate.
getTransmissionPower() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Get the IntersectionManager's transmission power.
getTransmissionPower() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get the Vehicle's transmission power.
getTransmissionPower() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get the Vehicle's transmission power.
getV2IOutbox() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get the queue of V2I messages waiting to be delivered from this Vehicle.
getV2IOutbox() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get the queue of V2I messages waiting to be delivered from this Vehicle.
getValue() - Method in class aim4.gui.component.LabeledSlider
Get the value of the slider.
getVehicle() - Method in class aim4.driver.AutoDriver
Get the Vehicle this DriverAgent is controlling.
getVehicle() - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverPilotView
Get the Vehicle this DriverAgent is controlling.
getVehicle() - Method in class aim4.driver.AutoV2VDriver
Get the Vehicle this DriverAgent is controlling.
getVehicle() - Method in class aim4.driver.CrashTestDummy
Get the Vehicle this driver agent is controlling.
getVehicle() - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Get the Vehicle this driver agent is controlling.
getVehicle() - Method in interface aim4.driver.DriverSimView
Get the Vehicle this DriverAgent is controlling.
getVehicle() - Method in class aim4.driver.pilot.BasicPilot
Get the vehicle this pilot controls.
getVehicle() - Method in class aim4.driver.pilot.V2IPilot
Get the vehicle this pilot controls.
getVehicleColor(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Get the color of a vehicle.
getVehicleFromVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VinRegistry
Given a VIN, get the vehicle with that VIN.
getVehicleLength() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager.Query
Get the vehicle length.
getVehicleSpec() - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint.SpawnSpec
Get the vehicle specification.
getVehicleSpec() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement
Get the vehicle specification.
getVehicleSpecById(int) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpecDatabase
Get the vehicle specification.
getVehicleSpecByName(String) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpecDatabase
Get the vehicle specification.
getVehicleSpecFromVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VinRegistry
Given a VIN, get the vehicle specification with that VIN.
getVelocity() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement
Get the velocity of the vehicle
getVelocity() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the velocity of the vehicle
getVelocity() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.Movement
Get the velocity of the vehicle
getVelocity() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement
Get the velocity of the vehicle
getVelocity() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
Get the velocity of the vehicle
getVelocity() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get the velocity of the vehicle
getVerticalRoads() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the set of vertical roads.
getVerticalSpawnPoints() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Get the list of vertical spawn points.
getVin() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ReservationRecord
Get the VIN of a vehicle.
getVin() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ReserveParam
Get the VIN of the vehicle
getVin() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager.Plan
Get the VIN of the vehicle.
getVin() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager.Query
Get the VIN of a vehicle
getVin() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Plan
Get the VIN of the vehicle.
getVin() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Query
Get the VIN of a vehicle.
getVin() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
Get the ID number of the Vehicle to which this message is being sent.
getVin() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.V2IMessage
Get the ID number of the Vehicle sending this message.
getVIN() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the ID number of this vehicle.
getVIN() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Get the ID number of this vehicle.
getVinOfReservedTilesAtTime(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Get the VINs of all reserved tiles at a given discrete time.
getVinOfReservedTilesAtTime(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the VINs of all reserved tiles at a given discrete time.
getWheelbase() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the wheelbase of this Vehicle.
getWheelCenters(Point2D, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the points where each of the wheels is presumably touching the road.
getWheelRadius() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the wheel radius.
getWheelShapes() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Get the Shapes of each of the wheels.
getWheelShapes() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Get the Shapes of each of the wheels.
getWheelShapes(Point2D, double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the Shapes of each of the wheels.
getWheelSpan() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the wheel span.
getWheelWidth() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the wheel width.
getWidth() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the width of this Lane, in meters.
getWidth() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the width of this Lane, in meters.
getWidth() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the width of this Lane, in meters.
getWidth() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
getWidth() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Get the width of the vehicle.
getWorkingList() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Plan
Get the list of time tiles reserved.
getX() - Method in class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack.Position
Get the x-coordinate of the current position.
getX() - Method in class aim4.map.track.LineTrack.Position
Get the x-coordinate of the current position.
getX() - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack.Position
Get the x-coordinate of the current position.
getX() - Method in interface aim4.map.track.TrackPosition
Get the x-coordinate of the current position.
getX() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea.Tile
Get the x-coordinate of this tile
getXLength() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea
Get the length of a tile in the x-direction
getXnum() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the number of time tiles in the x direction.
getxNum() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the number of time tiles in the x direction.
getXNum() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea
Get the number of tiles in the x-direction
getY() - Method in class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack.Position
Get the y-coordinate of the current position.
getY() - Method in class aim4.map.track.LineTrack.Position
Get the y-coordinate of the current position.
getY() - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack.Position
Get the y-coordinate of the current position.
getY() - Method in interface aim4.map.track.TrackPosition
Get the y-coordinate of the current position.
getY() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea.Tile
Get the y-coordinate of this tile
getYellowDurations(int) - Method in class aim4.config.TrafficSignalPhase
Get the duration of the yellow signals.
getYellowLightDuration() - Method in class aim4.gui.parampanel.TrafficSignalParamPanel
Get the yellow light duration.
getYLength() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea
Get the length of a tile in the y-direction
getYnum() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the number of time tiles in the y direction.
getyNum() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Get the number of time tiles in the y direction.
getYNum() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea
Get the number of tiles in the y-direction
GoStraightRequestHandler - Class in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The go straight request handler.
GoStraightRequestHandler() - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.GoStraightRequestHandler
GRASS_COLOR - Static variable in class aim4.gui.Canvas
The color of the grass, if the image does not load properly.
GRID_TIME_STEP - Static variable in class aim4.config.SimConfig
The length of a time step (simulation time) in the reservation grid (0.02 seconds).
GridMap - Class in aim4.map
The grid layout map.
GridMap(double, int, int, double, double, int, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.map.GridMap
Create a grid map.
GridMapUtil - Class in aim4.map
The utility class for GridMap.
GridMapUtil() - Constructor for class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
GridMapUtil.EnumerateSpawnSpecGenerator - Class in aim4.map
The spawn spec generator that enumerates spawn spec.
GridMapUtil.EnumerateSpawnSpecGenerator(SpawnPoint, List<Road>, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.map.GridMapUtil.EnumerateSpawnSpecGenerator
Create a spawn spec generator that enumerates spawn spec.
GridMapUtil.OneSpawnSpecGenerator - Class in aim4.map
The spawn spec generator that generates only one spec.
GridMapUtil.OneSpawnSpecGenerator(int, double, DestinationSelector) - Constructor for class aim4.map.GridMapUtil.OneSpawnSpecGenerator
Create a spawn spec generator that generates only one spec.
GridMapUtil.OnlyOneSpawnSpecGenerator - Class in aim4.map
The spec generator that generates just one vehicle in the entire simulation.
GridMapUtil.OnlyOneSpawnSpecGenerator(int, Road) - Constructor for class aim4.map.GridMapUtil.OnlyOneSpawnSpecGenerator
Create a spec generator that generates just one vehicle in the entire simulation.
GridMapUtil.UniformSpawnSpecGenerator - Class in aim4.map
The uniform distributed spawn spec generator.
GridMapUtil.UniformSpawnSpecGenerator(double, DestinationSelector) - Constructor for class aim4.map.GridMapUtil.UniformSpawnSpecGenerator
Create an uniform spawn specification generator.


HALF_PI - Static variable in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Math.PI / 2.0
hasDual() - Method in class aim4.map.Road
Whether or not this Road has a dual.
HashMapRegistry<T> - Class in aim4.util
A registry based on HashMap
HashMapRegistry() - Constructor for class aim4.util.HashMapRegistry
Create a hashmap-based registry
HashMapRegistry(int) - Constructor for class aim4.util.HashMapRegistry
Create a hashmap-based registry
hasLeftNeighbor() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Whether the Lane has another Lane immediately to its left travelling in the same direction.
hasLeftNeighbor() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Whether the Lane has another Lane immediately to its left travelling in the same direction.
hasNextLane() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Whether or not this Lane flows into another Lane.
hasNextLane() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Whether or not this Lane flows into another Lane.
hasPrevLane() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Whether or not another Lane flows into this Lane.
hasPrevLane() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Whether or not another Lane flows into this Lane.
hasReservation(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Check whether the vehicle currently has a reservation.
hasReservation(int) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicyCallback
Check whether the vehicle currently has a reservation.
hasReservation(int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Check whether a given reservation ID exists
hasRightNeighbor() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Whether the Lane has another Lane immediately to its right travelling in the same direction.
hasRightNeighbor() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Whether the Lane has another Lane immediately to its right travelling in the same direction.
hasStarted() - Method in class aim4.sim.UdpListener
Whether or not the thread has started to listen to the UDP port.
hasStartPoint() - Method in class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Whether or not this DebugPoint has a start point.
hasText() - Method in class aim4.config.DebugPoint
Whether or not this DebugPoint has associated text.
heading - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyPVUpdate
The direction of the vehicle
heading - Variable in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement
The direction of the vehicle
highlightVehicle(int) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
Highlight a particular vehicle.
highlightVehicle(int) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
Highlight a vehicle immediately.
highlightVehicle(int) - Method in interface aim4.gui.ViewerDebugView
Highlight a vehicle immediately.
HumanDrivenVehicleDriverView - Interface in aim4.vehicle
The interface of a manually-driven vehicle from the viewpoint of a driver.
HumanDrivenVehicleSimView - Interface in aim4.vehicle
The interface of a manually-driven vehicle from the viewpoint of a simulator.


I2VMessage - Class in aim4.msg.i2v
A message sent from an Intersection Manager to a Vehicle.
I2VMessage(int, int) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
Class constructor to be called by subclasses to set the source and destination ID numbers.
I2VMessage(I2VMessage) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
Create a new copy of the message.
I2VMessage.Type - Enum in aim4.msg.i2v
The different types of Intersection Manager to Vehicle messages.
id - Variable in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
The ID number of this intersection manager.
IdentityDestinationSelector - Class in aim4.map.destination
The IdentityDestinationSelector always chooses the Vehicle's current Road as the destination Road, unless it is not a legal destination Road, in which case it throws a RuntimeException.
IdentityDestinationSelector() - Constructor for class aim4.map.destination.IdentityDestinationSelector
Create a new IdentityDestinationSelector from the given Layout.
im - Variable in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
The V2IManager of which this Policy is a part.
inboxIterator() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Get an iterator for the messages waiting to be read.
incrNumOfConfirmedAnotherRequest() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.RequestStatCollector
Increase the number of confirmed another request.
incrNumOfLateRequest() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.RequestStatCollector
Increase the number of late request.
incrNumOfQueuedRequest() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.RequestStatCollector
Increase the number of queued request.
incrTotalNumOfRequest() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.RequestStatCollector
Increase the total number of request.
inCurrentIntersection() - Method in class aim4.driver.AutoDriver
Whether or not the Vehicle controlled by this driver agent is inside the intersection managed by the current IntersectionManager.
inCurrentIntersection() - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverCoordinatorView
Whether or not the Vehicle controlled by this driver agent is inside the intersection managed by the current IntersectionManager.
init() - Method in class aim4.gui.StatusPanelContainer
Initialize the status panel before the beginning of the simulation
initWithGivenMap(BasicMap) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
Initialize the canvas with a given map.
INTEGER_SIZE - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
The size, in bits, of an integer on our theoretical platform.
intersect(VehicleSimView, double, Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.DataCollectionLine
Whether the vehicle intersects the line.
Intersection - Interface in aim4.im
The interface of an intersection
IntersectionManager - Class in aim4.im
An agent to manage an intersection.
IntersectionManager(Intersection, TrackModel, double, Registry<IntersectionManager>) - Constructor for class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Create an intersection manager.
intersectionPoint(Line2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
The point at which the the given Line intersects the center of this Lane.
intersectionPoint(Line2D) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
The point at which the the given Line intersects the center of this Lane.
intersectionPoint(Line2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
The point at which the the given Line intersects the center of this Lane.
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Determine whether the given Rectangle intersects the Area governed by this IntersectionManager.
intersects(VehicleSimView, Area) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleUtil
Determine whether the given Vehicle is currently inside an area
intervalsOverlap(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Determine whether two intervals overlap.
IS_CONDOR_EXIST - Static variable in class aim4.config.Condor
Whether the current job is submitted to Condor.
IS_EXPECTED_IM_REPLY_TIME_CONSIDERED - Static variable in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the driver considers the expected time the IM takes to reply a request.
IS_PRINT_RANDOM_SEED - Static variable in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not to print the random seed.
IS_SHOW_IM_DEBUG_SHAPES_BY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class aim4.gui.Viewer
Whether or not the IM Shapes are shown by default.
IS_SHOW_SIMULATION_TIME - Static variable in class aim4.gui.Viewer
Whether or not the current simulation time is shown on screen.
IS_SHOW_VIN_BY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class aim4.gui.Viewer
Whether or not the simulator shows the vin of the vehicles on screen.
isAccelerating() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Query
Whether the vehicle is allowed to accelerate.
isAdmissible(int, double, double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AdmissionControlZone
Check to see if the vehicle can reserve space to enter this admission control zone.
isAwaitingResponse() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator
Whether or not the DriverAgent is waiting for a response from the Intersection Manager.
isDoubleEqual(double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Whether two floating-point numbers (doubles) are equal.
isDoubleEqual(double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Whether two floating-point numbers (doubles) are equal.
isDoubleEqualOrGreater(double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Whether two floating-point numbers (doubles) are greater than or equal to another.
isDoubleEqualOrLess(double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Whether two floating-point numbers (doubles) are less than or equal to another.
isDoubleNotEqual(double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Whether two floating-point numbers (doubles) are not equal.
isDoubleNotEqual(double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Whether two floating-point numbers (doubles) are not equal.
isDoubleNotZero(double) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Whether a floating-point numbers (doubles) is not zero.
isDoubleZero(double) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Whether a floating-point numbers (doubles) is zero.
isEdgeTile() - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea.Tile
Whether or not this tile is on the edge
isEnteredBy(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Whether the given Lane enters this intersection.
isEnteredBy(Lane) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Whether the given Lane enters this intersection.
isExitedBy(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.im.Intersection
Whether the given Lane leaves this intersection.
isExitedBy(Lane) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Whether the given Lane leaves this intersection.
isIdExist(int) - Method in class aim4.util.ArrayListRegistry
isIdExist(int) - Method in class aim4.util.HashMapRegistry
isIdExist(int) - Method in interface aim4.util.Registry
Whether or not an object is in the registry.
isIdExist(int) - Method in class aim4.util.WeakRefRegistry
isLRFSensing() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get whether or not the laser range finder is sensing anything.
isLRFSensing() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get whether or not the laser range finder is sensing anything.
isNoProposalLeft() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy.ProposalFilterResult
Whether any proposal is left.
isPaused() - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer.SimThread
Whether the thread is stopped.
isPrintArrivalEstimationParameters(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator print the parameters for arrival estimation
isPrintDriverStateOfVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator print the state of the driver of the target vehicle
isPrintIMInboxMessageOfVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator print the messages received by IM of the target vehicle.
isPrintIMOutboxMessageOfVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator print the messages sent by IM of the target vehicle.
isPrintReservationAcceptanceCheck(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator print the parameters for reservation acceptence check
isPrintVehicleHighLevelControlOfVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator print the high level control of the target vehicle.
isPrintVehicleInboxMessageOfVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator print the messages received by the target vehicle.
isPrintVehicleOutboxMessageOfVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator print the messages sent by the target vehicle.
isPrintVehicleStateOfVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator print the state of the target vehicle.
isReserved(int, int) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Whether the time-tile has been reserved.
isTargetVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator shows the vin of the vehicles on screen.
isTerminated() - Method in interface aim4.driver.coordinator.Coordinator
Whether of not the coordinator has finished its job.
isTerminated() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.NoIntersectionCoordinator
Whether of not the coordinator has finished its job.
isTerminated() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator
Whether of not the coordinator has finished its job.
isTurboMode() - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer.SimThread
Whether the thread is in the turbo mode.
isVehicleTracking() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get whether or not the vehicle tracking sensors are sensing anything.
isVehicleTracking() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get whether or not the vehicle tracking sensors are sensing anything.
isVINexist(int) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VinRegistry
Whether or not the VIN has been issued.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.SimSetupPanel
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer


LabeledSlider - Class in aim4.gui.component
The labeled slider.
LabeledSlider(double, double, double, double, double, String, String, ChangeListener) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.component.LabeledSlider
Create a labeled slider.
LabeledSlider(double, double, double, double, double, String, String) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.component.LabeledSlider
Create a labeled slider.
Lane - Interface in aim4.map.lane
This is a base class for all lanes.
LaneIM - Class in aim4.map.lane
The lane and intersection manager relationship.
LaneIM(Lane) - Constructor for class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Create a lane and intersection manager relationship object.
lanesPerRoad - Variable in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
The number of lanes per road
laneToFirstIntersection() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Find the next Lane, including this one, that enters an intersection at any point.
laneToNextIntersection(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Find the next Lane, including this one, that will enter an intersection, starting at the point in this Lane nearest the provided point.
laneWidth - Variable in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
The width of lanes
lastIntersectionManager() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Get the last IntersectionManager that this Lane, or any Lane that leads into it enters.
LEADING_ZEROES - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
A NumberFormat that ensures a width of at least 8 with leading zeroes.
leftBorder() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get a Shape representing the left border of this Lane.
leftBorder() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get a Shape representing the left border of this Lane.
leftBorder() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get a Shape representing the left border of this Lane.
leftIntersectionPoint(Line2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
The point at which the the given Line intersects the left border of this Lane.
leftIntersectionPoint(Line2D) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
The point at which the the given Line intersects the left border of this Lane.
leftIntersectionPoint(Line2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
The point at which the the given Line intersects the left border of this Lane.
LENGTH - Static variable in class aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader
The size of a UDP header (in bytes)
LightState - Enum in aim4.im
Possible states of traffic lights.
LineSegmentLane - Class in aim4.map.lane
A lane class that can be represented by a directed line segment.
LineSegmentLane(Line2D, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Constructs a line-segment lane using a Line.
LineSegmentLane(Point2D, Point2D, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Constructs a line-segment lane using two points.
LineSegmentLane(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Constructs a line-segment lane using two sets of coordinates.
LineTrack - Class in aim4.map.track
A track segment that is a straight line
LineTrack(WayPoint, WayPoint) - Constructor for class aim4.map.track.LineTrack
Create a track segment that is a straight line
LineTrack.Position - Class in aim4.map.track
A position on this track.
LineTrack.Position(double) - Constructor for class aim4.map.track.LineTrack.Position
Create a position object at the given distance from the starting waypoint on this track


Main - Class in aim4
The default main class to show the GUI.
Main() - Constructor for class aim4.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class aim4.Main
The main function of the simulator.
make(Point2D, double, double) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MovementFactory
Create a movement object.
makeFromFile(GridMap, String) - Static method in class aim4.config.TrafficSignalPhase
Create a new traffic signal phase object from file
makeFromFile(GridMap, String) - Static method in class aim4.map.TrafficVolume
Create a new traffic volume object from file.
makeSimulator(SimSetup) - Static method in class aim4.sim.setup.SimFactory
Create a simulator.
manages(Road) - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Whether or not this IntersectionManager manages the given Road.
manages(Lane) - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Whether or not this IntersectionManager manages the given Lane.
MAX_MESSENGE_PACKAGE_LENGTH - Static variable in class aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader
The maximum length of a message package including the header (in bytes)
MaxAccelReservationCheck - Class in aim4.driver.coordinator
This class provides functions to solve the validation problem.
MaxAccelReservationCheck() - Constructor for class aim4.driver.coordinator.MaxAccelReservationCheck
MAXIMUM_FUTURE_RESERVATION_TIME - Static variable in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
The maximum amount of time, in seconds, in the future, for which the policy will accept reservation requests.
maxTurnVelocity(VehicleSpec, Lane, Lane, IntersectionManager) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleUtil
Get the maximum velocity that this Vehicle should make the turn between lanes through an intersection.
maxVelocityToStopOverDistance(VehicleSpec, double) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleUtil
Calculate the maximum starting velocity for which the vehicle can stop within the given distance.
medianSize - Variable in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
The width of the area between the opposite directions of a road
messageType - Variable in class aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
The type of this message.
messageType - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyMsg
The type of this message.
messageType - Variable in class aim4.msg.v2i.V2IMessage
The type of this message.
MIN_LEAD_DIST - Static variable in class aim4.driver.DriverUtil
The constant term in the formula of calculating lead distances.
MINIMUM_FOLLOWING_DISTANCE - Static variable in class aim4.driver.pilot.V2IPilot
The minimum distance to maintain between the Vehicle controlled by this AutonomousPilot and the one in front of it.
minimumTimeToCover(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleUtil
Calculate the minimum amount of time, in seconds, it can take for the vehicle to cover the indicated distance, given a starting velocity and a top velocity allowed while covering the distance.
MotionMath - Class in aim4.util
This class provides utility functions for calculating the motion of the vehicles.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
move(double) - Method in class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack.Position
Move the position by a certain distance on the track but not beyond the end waypoint.
move(double) - Method in class aim4.map.track.LineTrack.Position
Move the position by a certain distance on the track but not beyond the end waypoint.
move(double) - Method in class aim4.map.track.PathTrack.Position
Move the position by a certain distance on the track but not beyond the end waypoint.
move(double) - Method in interface aim4.map.track.TrackPosition
Move the position by a certain distance on the track but not beyond the end waypoint.
move(double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement
Move the vehicle for a given period of time.
move(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Move a single Vehicle according to some approximation of the laws of physics.
move(double, double) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.Movement
Move the vehicle for a given period of time.
move(double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement
Move the vehicle for a given period of time.
move(double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
Move the vehicle for a given period of time.
move(double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.SteeringMovement
Move the vehicle while holding all vehicle properties constant.
move(double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.TrackMovement
Move the vehicle for a given period of time.
move(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicle
Move a single Vehicle according to some approximation of the laws of physics.
move(double) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Move a single Vehicle according to some approximation of the laws of physics.
movement - Variable in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
The movement mechanism
moveWithoutAcceleration(double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
Move the vehicle while holding all vehicle properties, including the acceleration, constant.
MUST_STOP_BEFORE_INTERSECTION - Static variable in class aim4.config.SimConfig
Whether or not the vehicle must stop before an intersection


navigate(Road, IntersectionManager, Road) - Method in class aim4.driver.navigator.BasicNavigator
Given the current Road, the IntersectionManager being approached, and a destination Road, find a road that leave the IntersectionManager that will lead to the destination Road.
navigate(Road, IntersectionManager, Road) - Method in interface aim4.driver.navigator.Navigator
Given the current Road, the IntersectionManager being approached, and a destination Road, find a road that leave the IntersectionManager that will lead to the destination Road.
Navigator - Interface in aim4.driver.navigator
An agent that chooses which way a vehicle should go, and uses information from a AutoDriver to do so.
nearestDistance(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the distance from a point to the center of the Lane.
nearestDistance(Point2D) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the distance from a point to the center of the Lane.
nearestDistance(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the distance from a point to the center of the Lane.
nearestPoint(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the point in the center of the Lane nearest to the provided point.
nearestPoint(Point2D) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the point in the center of the Lane nearest to the provided point.
nearestPoint(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the point in the center of the Lane nearest to the provided point.
nearlyEqual(double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Check whether two double values are "nearly" equal.
nextIntersectionManager() - Method in class aim4.driver.AutoDriver
Find the next IntersectionManager that the Vehicle will need to interact with, in this Lane.
nextIntersectionManager() - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverCoordinatorView
Find the next IntersectionManager that the Vehicle will need to interact with, in this Lane.
nextIntersectionManager() - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Find the next IntersectionManager that the Vehicle will need to interact with, in this Lane.
nextIntersectionManager(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Find the next IntersectionManager a vehicle at the given position will encounter.
nextIntersectionManager(IntersectionManager) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Get the IntersectionManager that this Lane, or any Lane it leads into enters, after the given IntersectionManager.
NoIntersectionCoordinator - Class in aim4.driver.coordinator
The coordinator when there is no intersection.
NoIntersectionCoordinator(AutoVehicleDriverView, AutoDriver) - Constructor for class aim4.driver.coordinator.NoIntersectionCoordinator
Create an coordinator to coordinate a vehicle.
NoiseFunction - Interface in aim4.noise
Interface for noise functions that can affect double values.
noNoise - Static variable in class aim4.noise.BasicNoiseFunction
Holds the one instance of the singleton class.
normalizedDistance(double) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the normalized distance at the distance from the starting point.
normalizedDistance(double) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the normalized distance at the distance from the starting point.
normalizedDistanceAlongLane(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the normalized distance to the point in the center of the lane nearest the provided point.
normalizedDistanceAlongLane(Point2D) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the normalized distance to the point in the center of the lane nearest the provided point.
normalizedDistanceAlongLane(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the normalized distance to the point in the center of the lane nearest the provided point.
nullSpawnSpecGenerator - Static variable in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
The null spawn spec generator that generates nothing.
numOfColumns - Variable in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
The number of columns
numOfRows - Variable in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
The number of rows
numOfSecondPerHour - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
The number of second per hour


ONE_AND_HALF_PI - Static variable in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Math.PI * 3.0 / 2.0
ONE_DEC - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
A NumberFormat for one place after the decimal.
ordinalize(int) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Turn a cardinal number into an ordinal number.
outboxIterator() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Get an iterator for the messages waiting to be delivered from this IntersectionManager.


paint(Graphics) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
PathTrack - Class in aim4.map.track
A track created by joining multiple tracks.
PathTrack() - Constructor for class aim4.map.track.PathTrack
Create an empty path track.
PathTrack.Position - Class in aim4.map.track
A position on the track.
PathTrack.Position(double) - Constructor for class aim4.map.track.PathTrack.Position
Create a position object at the given distance from the starting waypoint on this track
pause() - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer.SimThread
Pause this simulation thread
PI - Static variable in class aim4.util.GeomMath
polarAdd(Point2D, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Find a point displaced by the given distance in the given direction.
Policy - Interface in aim4.im.v2i.policy
An interface for intersection control policies for V2IManagers.
pollAllMessagesFromI2VInbox() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Get the list of all messages currently in the queue of I2V messages waiting to be read by this Vehicle.
pollAllMessagesFromI2VInbox() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Get the list of all messages currently in the queue of I2V messages waiting to be read by this Vehicle.
polygonalShapeAreas(Shape) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Given a polygonal, non-overlapping Shape, return the areas of the closed portions of the shape.
polygonalShapeCentroid(Shape) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Given a polygonal Shape, return the centroid of the shape.
polygonalShapePerimeterSegments(Shape) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Given a polygonal Shape, return a list of segments describing its perimeter.
polygonalSubShapeVertices(Shape) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Given a polygonal Shape, return a list of lists of points that are the vertices of the closed polygonal sub-shapes.
position - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyPVUpdate
The position of the vehicle, represented by the point at the center of the front of the Vehicle.
position - Variable in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement
The position of the vehicle, represented by the point at the center of the front of the Vehicle.
print(PrintStream) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.RequestStatCollector
Print the statistic.
print(PrintStream) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.VinHistoryStatCollector
Print the statistics to an output stream.
print(PrintStream) - Method in interface aim4.sim.StatCollector
Print the statistics to an output stream.
PRINT_SIMULATOR_STAGE - Static variable in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator prints out the stage of the simulation in the simulation's main loop.
printData(String) - Method in class aim4.im.DummyManager
Print the collected data to a file
printData(String) - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Print the collected data to a file
printData(String) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Print the collected data to a file.
printDataCollectionLinesData(String) - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Print the data collected in data collection lines to the given file
printDataCollectionLinesData(String) - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Print the data collected in data collection lines to the given file
printQueue() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler
Print the queue.
printState() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
print the state of the driver.
printState() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
print the state of the driver.
processAwayMsg(Away) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Submit an away message to the policy.
processCancelMsg(Cancel) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Submit a cancel message to the policy.
processDoneMsg(Done) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Submit a done message to the policy.
processReal2ProxyMsg(Real2ProxyMsg) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicle
Process the incoming Real2Proxy message
processReal2ProxyMsg(Real2ProxyMsg) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicleSimView
Process the incoming Real2Proxy message
processRequestMsg(Request) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.AllStopRequestHandler
Process the request message.
processRequestMsg(Request) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Process the request message.
processRequestMsg(Request) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Process the request message.
processRequestMsg(Request) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Process the request message.
processRequestMsg(Request) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxStopSignRequestHandler
Process the request message.
processRequestMsg(Request) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler
Process the request message.
processRequestMsg(Request) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.FCFSRequestHandler
Process the request message.
processRequestMsg(Request) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.GoStraightRequestHandler
Process the request message.
processRequestMsg(Request) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.RequestHandler
Process the request message.
processV2IMessage(V2IMessage) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.AllStopPolicy
Process a V2I message
processV2IMessage(V2IMessage) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Process a V2I message
processV2IMessage(V2IMessage) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.policy.Policy
Process a V2I message
processV2IMessage(V2IMessage) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Process a V2I message
Proxy2RealAdapter - Class in aim4.msg.udp
The proxy vehicle to real vehicle message adapter.
Proxy2RealAdapter() - Constructor for class aim4.msg.udp.Proxy2RealAdapter
ProxyDriver - Class in aim4.driver
A proxy driver.
ProxyDriver(AutoVehicleDriverView, BasicMap) - Constructor for class aim4.driver.ProxyDriver
Construct a proxy driver.
ProxyVehicle - Class in aim4.vehicle
The proxy vehicle.
ProxyVehicle(Point2D, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicle
Create a proxy vehicle.
ProxyVehicleSimView - Interface in aim4.vehicle
The interface of a proxy vehicle from the viewpoint of a simulator.


quadraticFormula(double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Solve the quadratic formula ax2 + bx + c = 0 given coefficients a, b, and c, returning the minimum nonnegative root, or the largest root if both are negative.
QUARTER_PI - Static variable in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Math.PI / 4.0
query(AczManager.Query) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.AczManager
Make a query.
query(ReservationGridManager.Query) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
Find a set of space-time tile for a particular traversal proposal in a request message.
query(Query) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationManager
Make a query.


random - Static variable in class aim4.util.Util
The global random number generator
RandomDestinationSelector - Class in aim4.map.destination
The RandomDestinationSelector selects Roads uniformly at random, but will not select a Road that is the dual of the starting Road.
RandomDestinationSelector(BasicMap) - Constructor for class aim4.map.destination.RandomDestinationSelector
Create a new RandomDestinationSelector from the given Layout.
randomIndex(double[]) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Choose a number according to a finite probability distribution.
randomIndex(List<Double>) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Choose a number according to a finite probability distribution.
randSeed - Static variable in class aim4.util.Util
The random seed for all random number generators in the simulation
RatioDestinationSelector - Class in aim4.map.destination
The destination selector that
RatioDestinationSelector(BasicMap, TrafficVolume) - Constructor for class aim4.map.destination.RatioDestinationSelector
Create a new RandomDestinationSelector from the given Layout.
read() - Method in class aim4.noise.DoubleGauge
Read the value of the gauge.
readFileToStrArray(String) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Read the content of a file into a list of strings.
Real2ProxyCancel - Class in aim4.msg.udp
A real vehicle to proxy vehicle message for cancel message.
Real2ProxyCancel(DataInputStream, double) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyCancel
Create a real vehicle to proxy vehicle message for cancel message.
Real2ProxyDone - Class in aim4.msg.udp
A real vehicle to proxy vehicle message for done message.
Real2ProxyDone(DataInputStream, double) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyDone
Create a real vehicle to proxy vehicle message for done message.
Real2ProxyMsg - Class in aim4.msg.udp
A real vehicle to proxy vehicle message.
Real2ProxyMsg(Real2ProxyMsg.Type, double) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyMsg
Create a real vehicle to proxy vehicle message.
Real2ProxyMsg.Type - Enum in aim4.msg.udp
The type of the message.
Real2ProxyPVUpdate - Class in aim4.msg.udp
A real vehicle to proxy vehicle message for PV update message.
Real2ProxyPVUpdate(DataInputStream, double) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyPVUpdate
Create a real vehicle to proxy vehicle message for PV update message.
Real2ProxyRequest - Class in aim4.msg.udp
A real vehicle to proxy vehicle message for request message.
Real2ProxyRequest(DataInputStream, double) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyRequest
Create a real vehicle to proxy vehicle message for request message.
receive(V2IMessage) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Adds a message to the incoming queue of messages delivered to this IntersectionManager.
receive(I2VMessage) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Adds a message to the incoming queue of messages received from IntersectionManagers.
receive(I2VMessage) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Adds a message to the incoming queue of messages received from IntersectionManagers.
receive(I2VMessage) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicle
Adds a message to the incoming queue of messages received from IntersectionManagers.
receivedTime - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyMsg
the received time of this message
recenter(double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
Recenter a double value between a lower and upper bound.
record(double) - Method in class aim4.noise.DoubleGauge
Records a value to the gauge, with noise according to the gauge's NoiseFunction.
register(T) - Method in class aim4.util.ArrayListRegistry
register(T) - Method in class aim4.util.HashMapRegistry
register(T) - Method in interface aim4.util.Registry
Register an object.
register(T) - Method in class aim4.util.WeakRefRegistry
registerIntersectionManager(IntersectionManager) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Register an IntersectionManager with this Lane.
registerSpec(VehicleSpec) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpecDatabase
Register a vehicle specification.
registerVehicle(VehicleSimView) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VinRegistry
Put the vehicle to the registry.
registerVehicleWithExistingVIN(VehicleSimView, int) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VinRegistry
Register the vehicle with an existing VIN.
Registry<T> - Interface in aim4.util
A generic registry.
Reject - Class in aim4.msg.i2v
Message sent from an Intersection Manager to a Vehicle to reject a reservation request.
Reject(int, int, int, double, Reject.Reason) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.i2v.Reject
Constructor with specific reason for rejection and limit on when the next acceptable transmission is.
Reject.Reason - Enum in aim4.msg.i2v
Some of the possible reasons that a vehicle may have a reservation rejected.
remainingDistanceAlongLane(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get the amount of distance left in this Lane from the point on the Lane nearest to the given point.
remainingDistanceAlongLane(Point2D) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get the amount of distance left in this Lane from the point on the Lane nearest to the given point.
remainingDistanceAlongLane(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get the amount of distance left in this Lane from the point on the Lane nearest to the given point.
remainingDistanceFromLastIntersection() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Get the distance from the end of this Lane to the last IntersectionManager that this Lane, or any Lane that leads into it entered.
removeAccelSchedule() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Remove the acceleration profile.
removeAccelSchedule() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Remove the acceleration profile.
removeAllManagers() - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Remove managers in all intersections.
removeTargetIMid() - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Remove the target intersection manager's ID
removeTargetVIN() - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Remove the target vehicle's ID
removeVehicleColor(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Remove the color assignment of a vehicle.
ReorderingStrategy - Interface in aim4.im.v2i.batch
The Reordering Strategy Interface.
replaceSpec(VehicleSpec) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpecDatabase
Place an registered vehicle spec with a new one.
Request - Class in aim4.msg.v2i
Message sent from a Vehicle to an Intersection Manager to request a reservation.
Request(int, int, int, Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg, List<Request.Proposal>) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.Request
Basic class constructor with all required fields.
Request(Request) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.Request
The copy constructor of this request message
Request.Proposal - Class in aim4.msg.v2i
A proposal
Request.Proposal(int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.Proposal
Create a proposal.
Request.Proposal(Request.Proposal) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.Proposal
Create a copy of a given proposal.
Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg - Class in aim4.msg.v2i
The specification of the vehicle.
Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
Create a vehicle specification for request message.
Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg(VehicleSpec) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
Create a copy of a given vehicle specification for request message
Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg(Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg
Create a copy of a given vehicle specification for request message
RequestHandler - Interface in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The request handler.
ReservationArray - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The Reservation Array.
ReservationArray(int) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Create a new reservation system.
ReservationArray.TimeTile - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The smallest unit of space-time in the FCFS policy.
ReservationArray.TimeTile(int, int) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray.TimeTile
Create a time-tile.
ReservationCheckException - Exception in aim4.driver.coordinator
The exception for failure of reservation check.
ReservationCheckException(String) - Constructor for exception aim4.driver.coordinator.ReservationCheckException
Construct an reservation exception.
ReservationGrid - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The reservation grid.
ReservationGrid(int, int, double) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid
Create a reservation grid.
ReservationGrid.TimeTile - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The time tile.
ReservationGrid.TimeTile(int, int) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid.TimeTile
Create a time tile.
ReservationGridManager - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The reservation grid manager.
ReservationGridManager(ReservationGridManager.Config, Intersection, TiledArea, ReservationGrid) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
Create a reservation grid manager.
ReservationGridManager(double, ReservationGridManager.Config, Intersection, TiledArea, ReservationGrid) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
Create a reservation grid manager.
ReservationGridManager.Config - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The configuration of the reservation grid manager.
ReservationGridManager.Config(double, double, double, double, double, boolean, double) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Config
Create a configuration object.
ReservationGridManager.Plan - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The plan for the reservation.
ReservationGridManager.Plan(int, double, double, List<ReservationGrid.TimeTile>, Queue<double[]>) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Plan
Create the plan for the reservation.
ReservationGridManager.Query - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The reservation grid manager.
ReservationGridManager.Query(int, double, double, int, int, Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg, double, boolean) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.Query
Create a query.
ReservationGridManager.VinHistoryStatCollector - Class in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
The statistic collector for VIN history.
ReservationGridManager.VinHistoryStatCollector() - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager.VinHistoryStatCollector
Create a statistic collector for VIN history.
reservationId - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyCancel
The reservation ID
ReservationManager<Query,Plan,Ticket> - Interface in aim4.im.v2i.reservation
A generic reservation manager.
reserve(int, Collection<? extends ReservationArray.TimeTile>) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray
Make the reservation of a set of time-tiles with a given reservation id.
reset() - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VinRegistry
Reset the registry.
resume() - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer.SimThread
Resume this simulation thread
rightBorder() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Get a Shape representing the right border of this Lane.
rightBorder() - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Get a Shape representing the right border of this Lane.
rightBorder() - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
Get a Shape representing the right border of this Lane.
rightIntersectionPoint(Line2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
The point at which the the given Line intersects the right border of this Lane.
rightIntersectionPoint(Line2D) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
The point at which the the given Line intersects the right border of this Lane.
rightIntersectionPoint(Line2D) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LineSegmentLane
The point at which the the given Line intersects the right border of this Lane.
rnd - Static variable in class aim4.noise.GaussianNoiseFunction
Random seed for creating noise.
Road - Class in aim4.map
A group of lanes with a name.
Road(String, BasicMap) - Constructor for class aim4.map.Road
Create a new Road with no Lanes.
Road(String, List<Lane>, BasicMap) - Constructor for class aim4.map.Road
Create a new Road with the given Lanes, ordered from left to right.
RoadBasedIntersection - Class in aim4.im
An intersection that is defined by the intersection of a set of roads.
RoadBasedIntersection(List<Road>) - Constructor for class aim4.im.RoadBasedIntersection
Basic class constructor.
RoadBasedReordering - Class in aim4.im.v2i.batch
The road-based reorder strategy.
RoadBasedReordering(double) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.batch.RoadBasedReordering
Create a road based reordering strategy
RoadBasedTrackModel - Class in aim4.im
A track model for road based intersections
RoadBasedTrackModel(RoadBasedIntersection) - Constructor for class aim4.im.RoadBasedTrackModel
Basic class constructor.
run() - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer.SimThread
run() - Method in class aim4.sim.UdpListener


saveScreenShot(String) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
Save the screen to a file in PNG format.
selectDestination(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.map.destination.DestinationSelector
Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.
selectDestination(Lane) - Method in class aim4.map.destination.IdentityDestinationSelector
Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.
selectDestination(Lane) - Method in class aim4.map.destination.RandomDestinationSelector
Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.
selectDestination(Lane) - Method in class aim4.map.destination.RatioDestinationSelector
Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.
selectDestination(Lane) - Method in class aim4.map.destination.TurnBasedDestinationSelector
Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.
selectDestination(Lane) - Method in class aim4.map.destination.UniqueDestinationSelector
Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.
send(V2IMessage) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Adds a message to the outgoing queue of messages to be delivered to an IntersectionManager.
send(V2IMessage) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Adds a message to the outgoing queue of messages to be delivered to an IntersectionManager.
sendComfirmMsg(int, BasePolicy.ReserveParam) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Send a confirm message
sendComfirmMsg(int, BasePolicy.ReserveParam) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicyCallback
Send a confirm message
sendI2VMessage(I2VMessage) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
A callback method for sending a I2V message.
sendI2VMessage(I2VMessage) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Adds a message to the outgoing queue of messages to be delivered to a Vehicle.
sendI2VMessage(I2VMessage) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.V2IManagerCallback
A callback method for sending a I2V message.
sendRejectMsg(int, int, Reject.Reason) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Send a reject message
sendRejectMsg(int, int, Reject.Reason) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicyCallback
Send a reject message
set(int, T) - Method in class aim4.util.ArrayListRegistry
set(int, T) - Method in class aim4.util.HashMapRegistry
set(int, T) - Method in interface aim4.util.Registry
Associate an object to a given ID.
set(int, T) - Method in class aim4.util.WeakRefRegistry
setAcceleration(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelProfile.DurAccel
Set the acceleration.
setAccelerationWithBound(double) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MovementWithAccel
Set the acceleration with respect to the physical limit of the vehicle.
setAccelerationWithBound(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement
Set the acceleration with respect to the physical limit of the vehicle.
setAccelerationWithBound(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
Set the acceleration with respect to the physical limit of the vehicle.
setAccelSchedule(AccelSchedule) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement
Set the acceleration schedule.
setAccelSchedule(AccelSchedule) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Set the acceleration profile.
setAccelSchedule(AccelSchedule) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Set the acceleration profile.
setAccelWithMaxTargetVelocity(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement
Set the acceleration with maximum target velocity.
setAccelWithMaxTargetVelocity(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Set the acceleration to the specified value, using maximum and minimum velocities as targets, automatically.
setAccelWithMaxTargetVelocity(double) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Set the acceleration to the specified value, using maximum and minimum velocities as targets, automatically.
setApprox4PhasesTrafficLightManagers(GridMap, double, ReservationGridManager.Config, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
Set the approximate 4 phases traffic light managers at all intersections.
setApproxNPhasesTrafficLightManagers(GridMap, double, ReservationGridManager.Config, String) - Static method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
Set the approximate N phases traffic light managers at all intersections.
setApproxSimpleTrafficLightManagers(GridMap, double, ReservationGridManager.Config, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
Set the approximate simple traffic light managers at all intersections.
setApproxStopSignManagers(GridMap, double, ReservationGridManager.Config) - Static method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
Set the approximate N phases traffic light managers at all intersections.
setBaselineSpawnPoints(GridMap, double) - Static method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
Set the baseline spawn points.
setBasePolicyCallback(BasePolicyCallback) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.AllStopRequestHandler
Set the base policy call-back.
setBasePolicyCallback(BasePolicyCallback) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Set the base policy call-back.
setBasePolicyCallback(BasePolicyCallback) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Set the base policy call-back.
setBasePolicyCallback(BasePolicyCallback) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Set the base policy call-back.
setBasePolicyCallback(BasePolicyCallback) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxStopSignRequestHandler
Set the base policy call-back.
setBasePolicyCallback(BasePolicyCallback) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler
Set the base policy call-back.
setBasePolicyCallback(BasePolicyCallback) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.FCFSRequestHandler
Set the base policy call-back.
setBasePolicyCallback(BasePolicyCallback) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.GoStraightRequestHandler
Set the base policy call-back.
setBasePolicyCallback(BasePolicyCallback) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.RequestHandler
Set the base policy call-back.
setBatchManagers(GridMap, double, ReservationGridManager.Config, double) - Static method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
Set the bath managers at all intersections.
setBatchModeProcessingInterval(double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup
Set the processing interval in the batch mode
setBuffers(double, double, double, boolean, double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup
Set the buffer sizes.
setClaimParameters(double, double, Lane, Lane) - Method in class aim4.driver.AutoV2VDriver
Set the parameters for this driver agent's Claim.
setCurrentLane(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverCoordinatorView
Set the Lane the DriverAgent is currently following.
setCurrentLane(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverPilotView
Set the Lane the DriverAgent is currently following.
setCurrentLane(Lane) - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Set the Lane the DriverAgent is currently following.
setCurrentLane(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.driver.DriverSimView
Set the Lane the driver is currently following.
setDestination(Road) - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Set where this driver agent is going.
setDestination(Road) - Method in interface aim4.driver.DriverSimView
Set where this driver is going.
setDirectionalSpawnPoints(GridMap, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
Set the directional spawn points which has different traffic volumes in different directions.
setDriver(AutoDriver) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Set this Vehicle's Driver.
setDriver(ProxyDriver) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicle
Set this proxy vehicle's driver.
setDriver(ProxyDriver) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicleSimView
Set this proxy vehicle's driver.
setDriver(AutoDriver) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Set this Vehicle's Driver.
setDual(Road) - Method in class aim4.map.Road
Set the Road that follows this Road in the opposite direction.
setDuration(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelProfile.DurAccel
Set the duration.
setEdgeTile(boolean) - Method in class aim4.util.TiledArea.Tile
Set whether or not this tile is on the edge.
setFCFSManagers(GridMap, double, ReservationGridManager.Config) - Static method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
Set the FCFS managers at all intersections.
setGreenLightDuration(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Set the green signals duration.
setGreenLightDuration(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Get the duration of the green light signal.
setGreenLightDuration(double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup
Set the duration of the green signals
setGreenLightDuration(double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalSimSetup
Set the duration of the green signals
setHVdirectionalRandomTraffic(double, double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup
Set the directional random traffic.
setId(int) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Set the unique ID number of this Lane.
setId(int) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Set the unique ID number of this Lane.
setId(int) - Method in class aim4.map.track.WayPoint
Set the ID of the waypoint
setInitialTime(double) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.batch.ReorderingStrategy
Set the initial time of the batch mode.
setInitialTime(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.batch.RoadBasedReordering
Set the initial time of the batch mode.
setIsBaseLineMode(boolean) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup
Turn on or off the base line mode.
setIsBatchMode(boolean) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup
Turn on or off the batch mode.
setIsShowIMDebugShapes(boolean) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
Set whether or not the canvas draws the IM shapes.
setIsShowSimulationTime(boolean) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
Set whether to show the simulation time.
setIsShowVin(boolean) - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
Set whether to show the VIN numbers.
setLanesPerRoad(int) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Set the number of lanes per road.
setLeftNeighbor(Lane) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Register another Lane as a left neighbor to this Lane.
setLeftNeighbor(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Register another Lane as a left neighbor to this Lane.
setLightState(LightState) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.HumanDrivenVehicleDriverView
Set the state of the traffic light of the current lane at the upcoming intersection.
setLRFMode(AutoVehicleDriverView.LRFMode) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Set the Vehicle's laser range finder operating mode.
setLRFSensing(boolean) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleSimView
Set whether or not the laser range finder is sensing anything.
setLRFSensing(boolean) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Set whether or not the laser range finder is sensing anything.
setManager(int, int, IntersectionManager) - Method in interface aim4.map.BasicMap
Set the intersection manager of a particular intersection.
setManager(int, int, IntersectionManager) - Method in class aim4.map.GridMap
Set the intersection manager of a particular intersection.
setMaxAccelWithMaxTargetVelocity() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement
Set the Vehicle's acceleration to its maximum value.
setMaxAccelWithMaxTargetVelocity() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Set the Vehicle's acceleration to its maximum value.
setNextLane(Lane) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Set the Lane into which this Lane leads.
setNextLane(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Set the Lane into which this Lane leads.
setNull(int) - Method in class aim4.util.ArrayListRegistry
setNull(int) - Method in class aim4.util.HashMapRegistry
setNull(int) - Method in interface aim4.util.Registry
Remove the object associated with a given ID from the registry.
setNull(int) - Method in class aim4.util.WeakRefRegistry
setNumOfColumns(int) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Set the number of columns.
setNumOfRows(int) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Set the number of rows.
setPolicy(Policy) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
set the policy.
setPrevLane(Lane) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Set the Lane which leads into this Lane.
setPrevLane(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Set the Lane which leads into this Lane.
setRequestHandler(RequestHandler) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Set the request handler.
setRightNeighbor(Lane) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.AbstractLane
Register another Lane as a right neighbor to this Lane.
setRightNeighbor(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.map.lane.Lane
Register another Lane as a right neighbor to this Lane.
setSa(SocketAddress) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicle
setSa(SocketAddress) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.ProxyVehicleSimView
setSignalControllers(int, ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler.SignalController) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Set the traffic signal controller of a lane
setSpawnPoint(SpawnPoint) - Method in class aim4.driver.Driver
Set where this driver agent is coming from.
setSpawnPoint(SpawnPoint) - Method in interface aim4.driver.DriverSimView
Set where this driver agent is coming from.
setSpeedLimit(double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Set the speed limit.
setSteeringAngleWithBound(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.SteeringMovement
Set the steering angle with respect to the physical limit of the vehicle.
setSteppingMode(boolean) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer.SimThread
Set whether the stepping mode is on
setStopDistBeforeIntersection(double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Set the stopping distance before intersection.
setStopDistBeforeIntersection(double) - Method in interface aim4.sim.setup.SimSetup
Set the stopping distance before intersection.
setTargetFrameRate(double) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
Set the target frame rate.
setTargetIMid(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Set the target intersection manager's ID
setTargetLaneForVehicleTracking(Lane) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Set the target lane for vehicle tracking.
setTargetLaneForVehicleTracking(Lane) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Set the target lane for vehicle tracking.
setTargetSimSpeed(double) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer
Set the target simulation speed.
setTargetVelocityWithBound(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement
Set the target velocity of the velocity
setTargetVelocityWithMaxAccel(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement
Set the target velocity (with maximum acceleration).
setTargetVelocityWithMaxAccel(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Set the acceleration to the appropriate value to reach the target velocity, based on the current speedometer reading.
setTargetVelocityWithMaxAccel(double) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Set the acceleration to the appropriate value to reach the target velocity, based on the current speedometer reading.
setTargetVIN(int) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Set the target vehicle's ID
setTickLabel(double, String, String) - Method in class aim4.gui.component.LabeledSlider
Set the tick label.
setTimeDelay(long) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer.SimThread
Set the time delay.
setTrafficLevel(double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
Set the traffic level.
setTrafficLevel(double) - Method in interface aim4.sim.setup.SimSetup
Set the traffic level.
setTrafficVolume(String) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup
Set the traffic volume according to the specification in a file.
setTrafficVolume(String) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxStopSignSimSetup
Set the name of the file containing the traffic volume data.
setTrafficVolume(String) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup
Set the traffic volume according to the specification in a file.
setTransmissionPower(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Set the Vehicle's transmission power.
setTurboMode(boolean) - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer.SimThread
Set whether the turbo mode is on
setUniformRandomSpawnPoints(GridMap, double) - Static method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
Set the uniform random spawn points.
setUniformRandomTraffic(double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup
Set the uniform random traffic.
setUniformRatioSpawnPoints(GridMap, String) - Static method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
Set the uniform ratio spawn points with various traffic volume.
setUniformTurnBasedSpawnPoints(GridMap, double) - Static method in class aim4.map.GridMapUtil
Set the uniform turn based spawn points.
setUniformTurnBasedTraffic(double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup
Set the uniform turn-based traffic.
setV2IManagerCallback(V2IManagerCallback) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.AllStopPolicy
Set the V2I manager call-back.
setV2IManagerCallback(V2IManagerCallback) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Set the V2I manager call-back.
setV2IManagerCallback(V2IManagerCallback) - Method in interface aim4.im.v2i.policy.Policy
Set the V2I manager call-back.
setV2IManagerCallback(V2IManagerCallback) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Set the V2I manager call-back.
setVehicle(VehicleSimView) - Method in class aim4.gui.frame.VehicleInfoFrame
Set the vehicle.
setVehicleColor(int, Color) - Static method in class aim4.config.Debug
Set the color of a vehicle.
setVehicleSpecChooser(SpawnPoint.SpawnSpecGenerator) - Method in class aim4.map.SpawnPoint
Set the vehicle spec chooser.
setVehicleTracking(boolean) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Set whether or not the vehicle tracking sensors are sensing anything.
setVehicleTracking(boolean) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
Set whether or not the vehicle tracking sensors are sensing anything.
setVelocityWithBound(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement
Set the velocity with respect to the physical limit of the vehicle.
setVelocityWithBound(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
Set the velocity with respect to the physical limit of the vehicle.
setVIN(int) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Set the VIN number of this Vehicle.
setVIN(int) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
Set the VIN number of this Vehicle.
setYellowLightDuration(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Set the yellow signals duration.
setYellowLightDuration(double) - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalRequestHandler
Get the duration of the yellow light signal.
setYellowLightDuration(double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.Approx4PhasesTrafficSignalSimSetup
Set the duration of the yellow signals
setYellowLightDuration(double) - Method in class aim4.sim.setup.ApproxSimpleTrafficSignalSimSetup
Set the duration of the yellow signals
SHOW_ARRIVAL_TIME - Static variable in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator shows the (expected) arrival time of the request (if any) of the vehicles on screen.
SHOW_PROXY_VEHICLE_DEBUG_MSG - Static variable in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the proxy vehicle shows the debug message.
SHOW_PROXY_VEHICLE_PVUPDATE_MSG - Static variable in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not to show the PVUpdate message.
SHOW_REMAINING_ARRIVAL_TIME - Static variable in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether or not the simulator shows the (expected) arrival time of the request (if any) of the vehicles minus the current time on screen.
SHOW_VEHICLE_COLOR_BY_MSG_STATE - Static variable in class aim4.config.Debug
Whether to show the vehicle according to its messaging state.
SimConfig - Class in aim4.config
The configuration of a simulation.
SimConfig() - Constructor for class aim4.config.SimConfig
SimControlPanel - Class in aim4.gui.statuspanel
The Speed Control Panel
SimControlPanel(Viewer) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.statuspanel.SimControlPanel
Create a simulation control panel.
SimFactory - Class in aim4.sim.setup
A simulator factory.
SimFactory() - Constructor for class aim4.sim.setup.SimFactory
simpleThrottleAction() - Method in class aim4.driver.pilot.V2IPilot
The simple throttle action.
SimSetup - Interface in aim4.sim.setup
The simulator setup.
SimSetupPanel - Class in aim4.gui
The simulation setup panel.
SimSetupPanel(BasicSimSetup) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.SimSetupPanel
Create a simulation setup panel
Simulator - Interface in aim4.sim
An interface for simulators.
Simulator.SimStepResult - Interface in aim4.sim
An interface denoting the result of a simulation step.
size - Variable in class aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
The size, in bits, of this message.
size - Variable in class aim4.msg.v2i.V2IMessage
The size, in bits, of this message.
size() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelProfile
Get the number of acceleration-duration pairs in the profile.
size() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule
Get the number of time-acceleration pairs in the acceleration schedule.
slowToStop() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement
Set the Vehicle's acceleration to its minimum value without going backward.
slowToStop() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Set the Vehicle's acceleration to its minimum value without going backward.
slowToStop() - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Set the Vehicle's acceleration to its minimum value without going backward.
SPAWN_TIME_STEP - Static variable in class aim4.config.SimConfig
How often the simulator should consider spawning vehicles.
SpawnPoint - Class in aim4.map
A spawn point.
SpawnPoint(double, Point2D, double, double, double, Lane, Rectangle2D, SpawnPoint.SpawnSpecGenerator) - Constructor for class aim4.map.SpawnPoint
Create a spawn point.
SpawnPoint(double, Point2D, double, double, double, Lane, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class aim4.map.SpawnPoint
Create a spawn point.
SpawnPoint.SpawnSpec - Class in aim4.map
The specification of a spawn.
SpawnPoint.SpawnSpec(double, VehicleSpec, Road) - Constructor for class aim4.map.SpawnPoint.SpawnSpec
Create a spawn specification.
SpawnPoint.SpawnSpecGenerator - Interface in aim4.map
The interface of the spawn specification genreator.
spec - Variable in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement
The specification of the vehicle
spec - Variable in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
The specification of the vehicle
spec - Variable in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
The characteristics of the vehicle
speedLimit - Variable in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
The speed limit of the roads
standardProposalsFilter(List<Request.Proposal>, double) - Static method in class aim4.im.v2i.policy.BasePolicy
Remove the proposals that are either too early or too late.
start() - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer.SimThread
Start the simulation thread.
start() - Method in class aim4.sim.UdpListener
Start the listener thread.
StatCollector<T> - Interface in aim4.sim
The statistic collector.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.component.LabeledSlider
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.SimControlPanel
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class aim4.gui.StatusPanelContainer
staticBufferSize - Variable in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGridManager
The size of the static buffer, in meters, used by this policy.
StatPanel - Class in aim4.gui.statuspanel
The statistics Panel
StatPanel(Viewer) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.statuspanel.StatPanel
The statistics panel.
StatusPanelContainer - Class in aim4.gui
A tabbed panel for showing statistics and status of the simulator.
StatusPanelContainer(Viewer) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.StatusPanelContainer
Create a new status pane with the given preferred width.
StatusPanelInterface - Interface in aim4.gui
The interface for the status panels.
steeringAngle - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyPVUpdate
The steering angle
step(double) - Method in class aim4.sim.AutoDriverOnlySimulator
Move the simulator a time step forward.
step(double) - Method in interface aim4.sim.Simulator
Move the simulator a time step forward.
stop() - Method in class aim4.sim.UdpListener
Stop the listener thread.
stopDistBeforeIntersection - Variable in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
The stopping distance before intersection
subareas(Shape) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Find all the subareas of a Shape.
subtract(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Subtract two 2D vectors.
sum(Iterable<Double>) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
The sum of a sequence of floating-point numbers
sum(double[]) - Static method in class aim4.util.Util
The sum of an array of floating-point numbers
SystemPanel - Class in aim4.gui.statuspanel
The System Panel
SystemPanel() - Constructor for class aim4.gui.statuspanel.SystemPanel
Create a system panel.


takeSteeringActionForTraversing(V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter) - Method in class aim4.driver.pilot.V2IPilot
Set the steering action when the vehicle is traversing an intersection.
targetVelocity - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyPVUpdate
The velocity at which the driver would like to be traveling.
TEN_DEC - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
A NumberFormat for ten places after the decimal.
terminate() - Method in class aim4.gui.Viewer.SimThread
Terminate/Kill this simulation thread.
TiledArea - Class in aim4.util
A tiled area - a subdivision of an area into a grid of small rectangles.
TiledArea(Area, double) - Constructor for class aim4.util.TiledArea
Create a tiled area
TiledArea(Area, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.util.TiledArea
Create a tiled area
TiledArea.Tile - Class in aim4.util
A tile.
TiledArea.Tile(Rectangle2D, int, int, int) - Constructor for class aim4.util.TiledArea.Tile
Create a tile.
TIME_STEP - Static variable in class aim4.config.SimConfig
The length of a time step (simulation time) in the simulator (0.02 seconds).
TimeoutPolicy - Class in aim4.im.v2i.policy
The timeout policy.
TimeoutPolicy(V2IManager, Policy) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Create a timeout policy
TimeoutPolicy.TimeoutPolicyType - Enum in aim4.im.v2i.policy
How the V2IManager treats vehicles that communicate before their timeout is over.
timeToChangeBetween(double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleUtil
Calculate how much time the Vehicle will cover to change velocity with a given acceleration.
timeToChangeBetween(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VehicleUtil
Calculate how much time the Vehicle will cover to change velocity with a given acceleration and a given deceleration
timeToNextIntersectionManager(IntersectionManager, double) - Method in class aim4.map.lane.LaneIM
Get the approximate time from the given IntersectionManager to the next one that that this Lane, or any Lane it leads into enters, based on distances and speed limits.
timeToReservation() - Method in class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator
Calculate the amount of time, in seconds, until the reservation's arrival time.
toAccelSchedule(double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelProfile
Convert the acceleration profile to an acceleration schedule.
toAccelSchedule(double, double) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelProfile
Convert the acceleration profile to an acceleration schedule.
toDatagramPacket(Confirm, SocketAddress, double) - Static method in class aim4.msg.udp.Proxy2RealAdapter
Construct a DatagramPacket of this confirm message
toDatagramPacket(Reject, SocketAddress, double) - Static method in class aim4.msg.udp.Proxy2RealAdapter
Construct a DatagramPacket of this reject message
toDatagramPacket(double, SocketAddress, double) - Static method in class aim4.msg.udp.Proxy2RealAdapter
Construct a DatagramPacket of this confirm message
toString() - Method in class aim4.config.TrafficSignalPhase
Get a string description of the signal phases.
toString() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler.BatchModeRequestHandler.IndexedProposal
Get the description of this batch policy.
toString() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationArray.TimeTile
Convert this time-tile to a string representation
toString() - Method in class aim4.im.v2i.reservation.ReservationGrid.TimeTile
Convert this time-tile to a string representation
toString() - Method in class aim4.map.Road
Get the name of this Road.
toString() - Method in class aim4.map.track.ArcTrack.Position
toString() - Method in class aim4.map.track.LineTrack.Position
toString() - Method in class aim4.map.TrafficVolume
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Confirm
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.i2v.Reject
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyCancel
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyDone
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyPVUpdate
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyRequest
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Away
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Cancel
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Done
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request.Proposal
toString() - Method in class aim4.msg.v2i.Request
toString() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule.TimeAccel
toString() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.AccelSchedule
toString() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement
toString() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement
toString() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement
toString() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement
toString() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.SteeringMovement
toString() - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.TrackMovement
TOTAL_SIMULATION_TIME - Static variable in class aim4.config.SimConfig
The time the simulation should run.
Track - Interface in aim4.map.track
The interface of track segments.
TrackModel - Interface in aim4.im
The interface of track models
TrackPosition - Interface in aim4.map.track
A position on a track.
trafficLevel - Variable in class aim4.sim.setup.BasicSimSetup
The traffic level
TrafficSignal - Enum in aim4.config
The traffic signals.
TrafficSignalParamPanel - Class in aim4.gui.parampanel
The traffic signal parameter panel.
TrafficSignalParamPanel() - Constructor for class aim4.gui.parampanel.TrafficSignalParamPanel
Create a traffic signal parameter panel.
TrafficSignalPhase - Class in aim4.config
The traffic signal phases.
TrafficSignalPhase(GridMap, List<String>) - Constructor for class aim4.config.TrafficSignalPhase
Construct a traffic signal phases.
TrafficSignalRequestHandler - Interface in aim4.im.v2i.RequestHandler
The interface for request handler with traffic signals.
TrafficVolume - Class in aim4.map
The record for traffic volume.
TrafficVolume(GridMap, List<String>) - Constructor for class aim4.map.TrafficVolume
Create a new traffic volume object from the data in a file.
trajectoriesConflict(int, int, int, int) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedTrackModel
Determine whether two trajectories overlap.
trajectoriesConflict(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface aim4.im.TrackModel
Determine whether two trajectories overlap.
traversalDistance(Road, Road) - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Get the distance from the entry of the given Road, to the departure of the other given Road.
traversalDistance(Lane, Lane) - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Get the distance from the entry of the given Lane, to the departure of the other given Lane, if traveling along segments through their point of intersection.
traversalDistance(int, int) - Method in class aim4.im.IntersectionManager
Get the distance from the entry of the Lane with the first given ID, to the departure of the Lane with the other given ID, if traveling along segments through their point of intersection.
traversalDistance(Road, Road) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedTrackModel
Get the distance from the entry of the given Road, to the departure of the other given Road.
traversalDistance(Lane, Lane) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedTrackModel
Get the distance from the entry of the given Lane, to the departure of the other given Lane, if traveling along segments through their point of intersection.
traversalDistance(int, int) - Method in class aim4.im.RoadBasedTrackModel
Get the distance from the entry of the Lane with the first given ID, to the departure of the Lane with the other given ID, if traveling along segments through their point of intersection.
traversalDistance(Road, Road) - Method in interface aim4.im.TrackModel
Get the distance from the entry of the given Road, to the departure of the other given Road.
traversalDistance(Lane, Lane) - Method in interface aim4.im.TrackModel
Get the distance from the entry of the given Lane, to the departure of the other given Lane, if traveling along segments through their point of intersection.
traversalDistance(int, int) - Method in interface aim4.im.TrackModel
Get the distance from the entry of the Lane with the first given ID, to the departure of the Lane with the other given ID, if traveling along segments through their point of intersection.
TRAVERSING_LANE_CHANGE_LEAD_TIME - Static variable in class aim4.driver.pilot.V2IPilot
The distance, expressed in units of the Vehicle's velocity, at which to switch to a new lane when turning.
TURBO_SIM_SPEED - Static variable in class aim4.gui.Viewer
The simulation speed (simulation seconds per GUI second) at or beyond which the turbo mode is on (i.e., the simulation will run as fast as possible)
TurnBasedDestinationSelector - Class in aim4.map.destination
The turn based destination selector.
TurnBasedDestinationSelector(BasicMap) - Constructor for class aim4.map.destination.TurnBasedDestinationSelector
Create a new identity destination selector from the given Layout.
turnTowardPoint(Point2D) - Method in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
Turn the wheels toward a given Point.
turnTowardPoint(Point2D) - Method in interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
Turn the wheels toward a given Point.
TWO_DEC - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
A NumberFormat for two places after the decimal.
TWO_PI - Static variable in class aim4.util.GeomMath
Math.PI * 2.0


UdpHeader - Class in aim4.msg.udp
Small header included in all UDP messages sent to/from the real car.
UdpHeader(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader
Construct the header given a DataInputStream wrapped around a DatagramPacket received over UDP from the real car.
UdpHeader(float, UdpHeader.UdpMessageType) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader
Create a header for a particular message type
UdpHeader.UdpMessageType - Enum in aim4.msg.udp
The message type.
UdpListener - Class in aim4.sim
Listens for UDP datagrams from Marvin at a UPD port (default is 46000) for communication from real cars and manages corresponding proxyvehicle's.
UdpListener(Simulator) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.UdpListener
Default constructor uses UDP port 46000
UdpListener(int, Simulator) - Constructor for class aim4.sim.UdpListener
Constructor for a UDP listener on the specified port.
UniformFixedNoiseFunction - Class in aim4.noise
NoiseFunction that adds noise uniformly within a fixed proportion of the true value.
UniformFixedNoiseFunction(double) - Constructor for class aim4.noise.UniformFixedNoiseFunction
Class constructor.
UniformProportionalNoiseFunction - Class in aim4.noise
NoiseFunction that adds noise uniformly within a fixed proportion of the true value.
UniformProportionalNoiseFunction(double) - Constructor for class aim4.noise.UniformProportionalNoiseFunction
Class constructor.
UniqueDestinationSelector - Class in aim4.map.destination
The unique destination selector which always returns the same destination
UniqueDestinationSelector(Road) - Constructor for class aim4.map.destination.UniqueDestinationSelector
Create a unique destination selector.
unregisterVehicle(int) - Static method in class aim4.vehicle.VinRegistry
Remove the vehicle from the registry.
update() - Method in class aim4.gui.Canvas
Update the canvas to visualize the current state of simulation.
update(int) - Method in class aim4.gui.component.FormattedLabel
Update the FormattedLabel to display the given value.
update(long) - Method in class aim4.gui.component.FormattedLabel
Update the FormattedLabel to display the given value.
update(double) - Method in class aim4.gui.component.FormattedLabel
Update the FormattedLabel to display the given value.
update(Object) - Method in class aim4.gui.component.FormattedLabel
Update the FormattedLabel to display the given value.
update() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.AdminControlPanel
Update the panel.
update() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.ConsolePanel
Update the panel.
update() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.SimControlPanel
Update the panel.
update() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.StatPanel
Update the panel.
update() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.SystemPanel
Update the panel.
update() - Method in class aim4.gui.statuspanel.VehicleInfoPanel
Update the panel.
update() - Method in class aim4.gui.StatusPanelContainer
Update the status pane to reflect the latest information
update() - Method in interface aim4.gui.StatusPanelInterface
Update the panel.
Util - Class in aim4.util
This class provides helper methods that are used throughout the code.


V2ICoordinator - Class in aim4.driver.coordinator
An agent that autonomously controls the coordination of a AutoVehicleDriverView with other Vehicles and with IntersectionManagers.
V2ICoordinator(AutoVehicleDriverView, AutoDriver, BasicMap) - Constructor for class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator
Create an AutonomousCoordinator to coordinate a Vehicle.
V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter - Class in aim4.driver.coordinator
Postprocessing the reservation parameters
V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter(Confirm) - Constructor for class aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator.ReservationParameter
Create a reservation parameter object
V2ICoordinator.State - Enum in aim4.driver.coordinator
Potential states that a CoordinatingDriverAgent can be in.
V2IManager - Class in aim4.im.v2i
An intersection manager that takes requests from vehicles and coordinates their traversals of the intersection to ensure that there are no collisions.
V2IManager(Intersection, TrackModel, double, ReservationGridManager.Config, Registry<IntersectionManager>) - Constructor for class aim4.im.v2i.V2IManager
Construct a new V2IManager given the structure of Lanes in the intersection.
V2IManagerCallback - Interface in aim4.im.v2i
An interface of the methods of V2IManager that are available for the policies.
V2IMessage - Class in aim4.msg.v2i
A message sent from a Vehicle to an Intersection Manager.
V2IMessage(int, int) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.V2IMessage
Class constructor to be called by subclasses to set the source and destination ID numbers.
V2IMessage(V2IMessage) - Constructor for class aim4.msg.v2i.V2IMessage
V2IMessage.Type - Enum in aim4.msg.v2i
The different types of Vehicle to Intersection Manager messages.
V2IPilot - Class in aim4.driver.pilot
An agent that pilots a AutoVehicleDriverView autonomously.
V2IPilot(AutoVehicleDriverView, AutoDriver) - Constructor for class aim4.driver.pilot.V2IPilot
Create an pilot to control a vehicle.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.config.Constants.CardinalDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.config.Constants.LightStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.config.Constants.TurnDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.config.TrafficSignal
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.driver.AutoV2VDriver.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.im.LightState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy.TimeoutPolicyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.msg.i2v.Reject.Reason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyMsg.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader.UdpMessageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.msg.v2i.V2IMessage.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup.TrafficType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView.LRFMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.config.Constants.CardinalDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.config.Constants.LightStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.config.Constants.TurnDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.config.TrafficSignal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.driver.AutoV2VDriver.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.driver.coordinator.V2ICoordinator.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.im.LightState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.im.v2i.policy.TimeoutPolicy.TimeoutPolicyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.msg.i2v.Reject.Reason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyMsg.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader.UdpMessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.msg.v2i.V2IMessage.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.sim.setup.AutoDriverOnlySimSetup.TrafficType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView.LRFMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VehicleDriverView - Interface in aim4.vehicle
The interface of a vehicle from the viewpoint of a driver.
VehicleInfoFrame - Class in aim4.gui.frame
The vehicle information frame.
VehicleInfoFrame(Viewer) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.frame.VehicleInfoFrame
Creates new form VehicleInfoFrame
VehicleInfoPanel - Class in aim4.gui.statuspanel
The Vehicle Information Panel
VehicleInfoPanel() - Constructor for class aim4.gui.statuspanel.VehicleInfoPanel
Create a vehicle information panel.
VehicleSimView - Interface in aim4.vehicle
The interface of a vehicle from the viewpoint of a simulator.
VehicleSpec - Class in aim4.vehicle
The characteristics of the vehicle
VehicleSpec(String, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.vehicle.VehicleSpec
Class constructor that overrides most of the defaults and also allows the user to specify the Vehicle's VIN instead of using the default generator.
VehicleSpecDatabase - Class in aim4.vehicle
The vehicle specification database.
VehicleUtil - Class in aim4.vehicle
The utility functions for vehicles.
velocity - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyPVUpdate
The velocity of the vehicle
velocity - Variable in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement
The velocity of the vehicle
VelocityFirstArrivalEstimation - Class in aim4.driver.coordinator
This class provides functions to solve the optimization problem.
VelocityFirstArrivalEstimation() - Constructor for class aim4.driver.coordinator.VelocityFirstArrivalEstimation
viewer - Static variable in class aim4.config.Debug
A global variable referring to the GUI object.
Viewer - Class in aim4.gui
The viewer is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows a user to run the AIM Simulator while watching the vehicles in real time.
Viewer(BasicSimSetup) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.Viewer
Create a new viewer object.
Viewer(BasicSimSetup, boolean) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.Viewer
Create a new viewer object.
Viewer.SimThread - Class in aim4.gui
The simulation thread that holds the simulation process.
Viewer.SimThread(boolean, long) - Constructor for class aim4.gui.Viewer.SimThread
Create a simulation thread.
ViewerDebugView - Interface in aim4.gui
The interface for the view of the viewer for debugging.
vin - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyPVUpdate
The vehicle's identification number.
vin - Variable in class aim4.msg.udp.Real2ProxyRequest
The VIN of the vehicle
vin - Variable in class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
The vehicle's ID number (i.e., the VIN number).
VinRegistry - Class in aim4.vehicle
The Vehicle Registry, the class that issues VIN to vehicles.


WayPoint - Class in aim4.map.track
A waypoint.
WayPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class aim4.map.track.WayPoint
Create a waypoint.
WayPoint(Point2D) - Constructor for class aim4.map.track.WayPoint
Create a waypoint
WeakRefRegistry<T> - Class in aim4.util
A registry based on weak references.
WeakRefRegistry() - Constructor for class aim4.util.WeakRefRegistry
Create a weak reference registry.
WeakRefRegistry(int) - Constructor for class aim4.util.WeakRefRegistry
Create a weak reference registry.
writeToConsole(String) - Method in class aim4.gui.StatusPanelContainer
Write a message on the console
writeToDataOutputStream(DataOutputStream) - Method in class aim4.msg.udp.UdpHeader
Write the data header to an I/O stream.


ZERO_DEC - Static variable in class aim4.config.Constants
A NumberFormat for zero places after the decimal.
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