CS388R: Randomized Algorithms (Fall 2023)

Logistics: Mon/Wed 2:00 - 3:30
GDC 2.210
Course web page: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~ecprice/courses/randomized/fa23/
Professor: Eric Price
Email: ecprice@cs.utexas.edu
Office: GDC 4.510
Office Hours: Monday 3:30-4:30pm.
TA: Michael Jaber michaeljohnjaber@gmail.com
Useful References: Previous offerings (2015, 2017, 2019, 2021) have relevant information. Similar courses are offered at MIT and Berkeley.
Course format: This course will be fully in-person.
Lecture Schedule:
DateTopicScribe notesHW
August 21Introduction; min-cutNotes 1
August 23Concentration InequalitiesNotes 2HW 1
August 28More min-cut, coin bias estimationNotes 3
August 30Game Tree EvaluationNotes 4HW 2
(Labor day)
September 6Balls and BinsNotes 5
September 11Power of Two ChoicesNotes 6
September 13Cuckoo HashingNotes 7HW 3
September 18Bloom FiltersNotes 8
September 20Limited IndependenceNotes 9HW 4
September 25RoutingNotes 10
September 27FingerprintingNotes 11
October 2All-pairs shortest pathNotes 12HW 5
October 4Sampling, median-findingNotes 13
October 9Midterm exam
October 11Maximum perfect matchingsNotes 14HW 6
October 16Online bipartite matchingNotes 15
October 18Matrix concentration and graph sparsificationNotes 16HW 7
October 23Concentration Inequalities RevisitedNotes 17
October 25Spectral sparsification of graphsNotes 18HW 8
October 30Markov Chains INotes 19
November 1Markov Chains II; start computational geometryNotes 20HW 9
November 6Computational geometryNotes 21
November 8Nearest Neighbor SearchNotes 22
November 13Network CodingNotes 23
November 15Randomized numerical linear algebra INotes 24HW 10
(Thanksgiving week)
November 27Randomized numerical linear algebra IINotes 25
November 29Randomized RoundingNotes 26
December 4Final exam
Content: This graduate course will study the use of randomness in algorithms. Over the past thirty years, randomization has become an increasingly important part of theoretical computer science.
Prerequisites: Mathematical maturity and comfort with undergraduate algorithms and basic probability.
Grading: 40%: Homework
20%: Final exam
20%: Midterm exam
20%: Scribing lectures
Scribing: In each class, two students will be assigned to take notes. These notes should be written up in a standard LaTeX format before the next class.
Text: You may find the text Randomized Algorithms by Motwani and Raghavan to be useful, but it is not required.
There will be a homework assignment every week.

Collaboration policy: You are encouraged to collaborate on homework. However, you must write up your own solutions. You should also state the names of those you collaborated with on the first page of your submission.
Students with
If you are a student with a disability, or think you may have a disability, and need accommodations please contact Disability and Access (D&A). You may refer to D&A's website for contact and more information. If you are already registered with D&A, please deliver your Accommodation Letter to me as early as possible in the semester so we can discuss your approved accommodations.